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This is resource FAF5AVC, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/8 -2015 05:26:08

Ended:17/8 -2015 08:46:44

Checked:17/8 -2015 09:32:50

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: MAD Part 3.swf-(9.09 MB, 640x480, Japanese)
[_] [O][J][O] Happy Urepii Yoropiku Ne 08/16/15(Sun)23:18:37 No.2877918

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/15(Mon)01:33:44 No.2878041

  God fucking damnit

  At some point one of the characters they show is a fucking dog and even he has an overly manly

  Is this show supposed to be an overly elaborated joke or are people actually enjoying that
  nonsensical pile of shenanigan

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/15(Mon)01:35:51 No.2878042


>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/15(Mon)01:49:22 No.2878054

  The show does take itself seriously enough that the plot remains consistent, to the point that
  there is an actual metric for evaluating character powers/abilities.

  With that in mind, there is a deliberate attempt by the creator to make the designs, situations,
  and circumstances as ridiculous as possible. To the point that children, small animals, and even
  babies wind up being significant threats to the protagonists.

  Also, you probably shouldn't be watching this. It has massive spoilers in it.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/15(Mon)02:41:03 No.2878089

  What's up with everything having a manly face including children, women and animals. It sure as
  hell ain't normal.

  Also do they really need to be doing those culturist poses all the time? I mean at that point
  this show might as well be called thursgay : the animated serie

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/15(Mon)02:43:39 No.2878091

  Just give it a chance and you'll understand.

  The stylization works mucj better in context.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/15(Mon)02:46:12 No.2878093

  There is no explanation.

  That's just how things are in jojo.
Created: 17/8 -2015 05:26:08 Last modified: 17/8 -2015 09:33:01 Server time: 04/01 -2025 22:51:20