File: katawa_shoujo_insta_feels__lilly_edition.swf-(7.34 MB, 720x405, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)21:19:24 No.2895856
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)21:26:22 No.2895861
>good ending
Jesus christ this flash gave me more feels than the actual VN.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)21:46:08 No.2895869
I have absolutely no idea whats going on.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)21:47:42 No.2895870
fucking thank you, im not the only one
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)21:49:35 No.2895872
Play Katawa Shoujo.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)22:39:21 No.2895898
free game/book/feels adventure
be warned its really good
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)22:41:10 No.2895901
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)23:09:46 No.2895921
fucking really?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/15(Sat)23:11:37 No.2895924
I was thinking the same thing.
Hopefully they'll go and play it.
>> [_] Some guy who is curious 09/05/15(Sat)23:14:58 No.2895925
Those feelz came rushing back... Oh Lily how can you do this to me after I've been away for so
>reinstalling Katawa Shoujo
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)00:37:51 No.2895959
>yfw a bunch of weebs from 4chan made a VN lightyears better than most japanese-made VNs
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)00:44:09 No.2895962
You kinda also need to have watched Cowboy Bebop to get a lot of the stuff in the flash
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)00:46:11 No.2895964
VNs vary a lot in quality. It's true that a lot of Japanese VNs are complete shit but Katawa
Shoujo doesn't hold a fucking candle to the legitimately good stuff.
It's enjoyable, but it's very entry level. Still not a bad effort for something spawned from this
shithole of a website.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)00:47:30 No.2895965
Please share your amazing taste
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)00:52:44 No.2895968
Neutral ending was better
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)00:52:56 No.2895969
You'll just tell me it's shit anyway, I don't see much point in doing that.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)00:57:15 No.2895971
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)00:58:20 No.2895973
Oh no you saw through my favourite trick.
I honestly wanted to know what your preferences were. If it happened to include the fate series
or saya no uta which seems to be the most commonly redigested vomit I would have definitely
called your taste shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)01:13:31 No.2895982
I enjoyed both Fate and Saya no Uta, but wouldn't put them on a pedestal. They're neither as good
or as shit as most people make them out to be. Most Key works are pretty solid depending on your
tastes. MLA and Rance are fantastic.
I'm about to start working on Higurashi once I can be bothered fucking around with patching
sprites and voices in.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)01:51:44 No.2896007
+props for using that goddamn song.
Praise the bebopu.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)02:14:29 No.2896021
>cripple girl
>anywhere near a good VN
Niggers please, it's entry level at best and even then most of the routes are total shit. What
you have witnessed is the Lily route, the second best one in the entire game. But everyone knows
the Kenji route is the best.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)02:20:38 No.2896027
>people arguing about the quality of "quality" VN's
holy shit you people need to get out more often
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)02:22:09 No.2896029
>he says on the 4chan flash board
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)02:26:12 No.2896032
Fuck you Lilly