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Age: 1.09d Health: 99% Posters: 9 Posts: 15 Replies: 11 Files: 3+3
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)05:45 No.22622 OP P1
[G] Strumpets V2 Demo 8-23-2015
this is just a demo of whats to come in v2 of strumpets. As of right now theirs 1 outfit and 1 girl
you can randomly generate and 3 sex scenes. This was added on August 23 2015
[IMG] Strumpets V2 Demo 8-23-2015.swf (915 KiB)
1024x768, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)06:45 No.22623 A P2R1
this art style looks a lot better than the LOK kit he was using, hopefully it wont start updateing
like breeding season.
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)15:41 No.22636 B P3R2
Looks like a fucking 12 year old. Well, not playing this game for awhile.
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)15:52 No.22637 C P4R3
You mean fairly regularly when they have something - however small - to add or fix, thereby staying
busy and showing that they have the resolve to finish the game they're working on almost daily?
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)16:31 No.22640 D P5R4
>bother to leave a comment
closet pedo pls
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)16:43 No.22642 E P6R5
Your loss faggot, my dick is ready.
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)16:47 No.22643 D P7R6
When will cum be implemented?
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)19:12 No.22648 F P8R7
Well shit. The generic LoK models were one of my two criticisms about the old version. The other
was disembodied dicks looking goofy as hell. I doubt they plan on making models for the men, but
one can dream.
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)19:12 No.22649 F P9
Any chance of visible men instead of floating dicks?
>> Anonymous 24aug2015(mo)20:06 No.22653 G P10R8
>Any chance of visible men instead of floating dicks?
noooo, the floating dicks are making it funny D:
>> Anonymous 25aug2015(tu)00:31 No.22657 D P11R9
Maybe the lore is that all males of the universe are embodied as floating dicks that ejaculate
>> Anonymous 25aug2015(tu)01:33 No.22660 H P12R10
Any chance of sound effects?
>> Anonymous 25aug2015(tu)02:55 No.22662 OP P13R11
here is a comparison of version 1 and version 2 side by side
[IMG]strumpets v1 vs strumpets v2.jpg
>> Anonymous 25aug2015(tu)02:57 No.22663 OP P14
so sorry here is a bigger picture of the comparison
>> Anonymous 25aug2015(tu)02:58 No.22664 OP P15
[IMG]strumpets v1 vs strumpets v2.jpg