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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Midscape.swf-(3.29 MB, 800x450, Loop) [_] Selling Rune Scimmy 25k Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)04:08:27 No.2886339 >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)04:13:44 No.2886345 My childhood... >real feels >real >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)04:24:14 No.2886350 >>2886345 /v(r?)/ is actually running a server of the old 200 version if you're feeling nostalgic. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)04:34:08 No.2886353 >>2886350 You sir, made my night. I thank you. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)04:55:26 No.2886359 >>2886350 >>2886353 jagex also has a oldschool version of runescape now >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)05:10:07 No.2886366 >>2886359 This is an older version of ORS >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)05:21:00 No.2886374 People who feel overly nostalgic for this shit game were probably in grade school when they played it. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)05:48:23 No.2886388 Runescape is a reminder that all good things are ruined by China. Just imagine if there were no gold farmers in 3rd world countries, you could actually earn $5/hour or more in MMORPGs like Runescape because the supply of gold and items wouldn't vastly outweigh the demand. There wouldn't be an absurd amount of inflation caused by thousands of people in undeveloped countries farming gold as a full time job. This is actually happening in the real world too. Thanks to trade agreements like NAFTA, GAT, and soon TPP, millions of Americans (and other 1st world countries too) are losing jobs because these manufactures cannot compete with China's incredibly low wages. Why is this happening? Because big corporations would rather pay China to import the goods for 1/10th the cost than pay an American company full price for a similar product. This might not sound like a big deal to the average person, but essentially it means we're quickly becoming more and more indebted to other countries. If this continues, China will have enough power over our economy to make huge changes and eventually take over. That includes taking away or infringing upon internet freedom. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)06:49:59 No.2886408 >>2886388 hey little man, that's pretty scary. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)07:04:14 No.2886417 >>2886388 Not exactly. This is mostly a stage china is going through, and in addition to that China is growing far too fast for it's own good. Wages are going up, and the economic growth is becoming one large bubble. They will eventually either become like the US and Yurope, or it will all crash down. >> [_] harry 08/26/15(Wed)08:06:26 No.2886428 my childhood and my current life >feels >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)09:38:35 No.2886452 >>2886366 >osrs It's actually from 2007 not osrs. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)09:44:44 No.2886459 OSRS is just rs3 with 2007 graphics >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)10:34:32 No.2886474 Real feels. What is the image? Is that the Stone of Jas? Runescape is such a good game... >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/15(Wed)10:35:49 No.2886475 >>2886388 A fine point, however you must remember that it's not some amorphous entity growing richer, it's Chinese businesses and people. Should they acquire enough wealth without distributing it and educating the people, then the people will rebel, as they have over and over again throughout history. Thanks to the internet, the average person is well informed enough, even in China, to negate the kind of total thought control needed to get away with feudalism. The Chinese state knows this, and so allows a certain level of freedom and upward mobility. This will reach a critical threshold of equilibrium, where their labor will no longer be so cheap. Evidence of this flexibility can be seen in their current market situation. If they had this amazing control, they wouldn't let their main index fall 8% in a month. |