File: wewillbewithyou.swf-(5.63 MB, 1280x719, Anime)
[_] is that time again? Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)06:54:37 No.2902740
to feel the feel you swore not to feel ever again?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)07:52:02 No.2902768
not now anon
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)08:26:09 No.2902777
i feel the ending would have had more of an impact if the girl didnt break the fourth wall and
suddenly stop crying.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)08:34:24 No.2902781
This brought back all the old feel of watching paint dry.
Boring as shit on your mom's vag.
There is nothing about this that compels any part of me to feel. It is shit, absolute shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)08:35:46 No.2902783
Wow you're a pretty edgy guy.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)08:45:20 No.2902788
His edgyness has a point to it. He may be 12, but he's right you know. This is pretty uninspired.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)10:11:15 No.2902827
am I supposed to feel?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)10:46:51 No.2902838
What the fuck is wrong with you /f/? Don't you have anyone that unexpectedly left you?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)10:55:36 No.2902841
6 posters 8 posts
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)11:55:24 No.2902879
ayyy trips
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)12:03:39 No.2902884
She isn't. She just looks towards what we see next: the remnant of the beef's-thing herd moving
without her.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)12:21:40 No.2902901
It would have been better if it related to a family going their own ways. I.E. the child leaving
from her parents perspective.
Not some autistic shit with made up animals in the woods. It could have some sort of allegorical
meaning like "leaving the herd" but still, I had a hard time feeling sympathy for a buffalo.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)12:52:47 No.2902923
Looks like a bunch of Furoks, the most beastly motherfucker in Magi Nation.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)12:58:28 No.2902925
Great artist, if only his name wasnt only remembered for a meme song
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/15(Sun)13:32:25 No.2902945
It's funny how when you look at these things they remind you of herd animals like buffaloes, but
check out the chompers on these fuckers when it yawns. Clearly vicious carnivores that probably
wreak havoc on local livestock and pets being so close to the town.