File: murica.swf-(6.76 MB, 854x480, Loop)
[_] Treemany 08/27/15(Thu)20:25:07 No.2887823
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/15(Thu)20:51:55 No.2887848
for some reason its really catchy
and sadly true
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/15(Thu)21:48:33 No.2887901
I lost it when it says "UH" after panning down to the dog.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/15(Thu)21:49:51 No.2887903
Is this written by a Canadian?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/15(Thu)22:56:32 No.2887964
annoying voice
edgy song
worthless flash
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/15(Thu)23:07:02 No.2887974
Jesus, that is one of the worst songs I've ever heard. That autotune made me want an anal
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/15(Thu)23:11:19 No.2887980
This has been posted here how many times? For fuck's sake, I'm starting to think everyone on /f/
is a fucking 13 year old who just read pulp fiction for the first time
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/15(Thu)23:13:46 No.2887985
well shit, I meant fight club. Guess my argument and witticism are fucked now.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/15(Thu)23:18:55 No.2887990
it's such a shit video, but yea, it's catchy as fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)00:27:49 No.2888088
Worse, redditor murican who thinks he understands everything
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)00:43:21 No.2888103
When are you going to stop posting this?