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This is resource Q0I45SG, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/9 -2015 00:22:22

Ended:14/11 -2015 23:11:54

Checked:14/11 -2015 23:33:05

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 7784

Age: 56.94d   Health: 0%   Posters: 8   Posts: 9   Replies: 8   Files: 1+2

>> xXK1T5UN3Xx 12sep2015(sa)00:17 No.23440 OP P1

[IMG] 1442002105.trunchbull_shokun_s_desireqqq.swf (7.79 MiB)
960x540, Uncompressed. 1859 frames, 29.97 fps (01:02).
Ver9, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)01:41 No.23441 A P2R1

Very nice, fnially good to see something with proper debth.

>> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)03:41 No.23443 B P3R2

Holy shit, good audio and voice acting in Internet porn?! Furry porn even!

Shame I was thinking "Is it gay? It's probably gay. Furry is always gay." for the whole video until
I finally learned the truth.

>> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)04:11 No.23445 C P4R3

Proper debth is something I've been looking for,too.

>> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)04:58 No.23446 D P5R4

Voice actor hits his "s" sounds like a fucking truck though.

>> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)05:48 No.23449 E P6R5

wow that was some great voice acting it sounded like it was ripped from an televised cartoon... was

>> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)05:57 No.23450 B P7R6

I was about to ask the same thing in my reply earlier but realized that what kind of televised
cartoon or even a movie has ever had such context? The audio could be cut together from different
contexts, but then it has these naughty words and the tone of his voice flows too natural. I think
it has to be a original script being read here.

>> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)07:52 No.23453 F P8R7


It's not ripped from a cartoon. This flash is voice acted.

>> Horsie 12sep2015(sa)10:55 No.23457 G P9R8

I can't fap if i'm sad.
But the quality of this is incredible.
Created: 12/9 -2015 00:22:22 Last modified: 15/11 -2015 01:00:49 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:34:49