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This is resource QC8KPEO, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/8 -2015 07:42:19

Ended:23/8 -2015 14:53:13

Checked:23/8 -2015 15:49:21

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: like a drum.swf-(1.99 MB, 500x500, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)01:39:17 No.2883476

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)01:45:41 No.2883482


>> [_] HUEAEHUEAHHUEAEHUEAH 08/23/15(Sun)01:46:42 No.2883485

  Darude - Sandstorm

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)01:48:17 No.2883486

  well fuck you too

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)01:55:15 No.2883494

  C'mon nigger
  You can just right-click "like a drum.swf" and search for it on Google.
  And BAM!
  First result is swfchan.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)01:57:37 No.2883497

  No, no, no man.
  FULL sauce.

  Who's the girl (which anime) and which is the song's name?

  I'm no fucktarded Anon.

  I'm asking for FULL SAUCE.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)02:07:46 No.2883506


  >I'm no fucktarded Anon.
  >I'm asking for FULL SAUCE.

  pick one

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)02:09:21 No.2883510

  You could find it if you went to the swfchan wiki page.
  But I am a nice Anon.
  So I will spoonfeed you.

  The girl is Kanbaru Suruga from the Bakemonogatari series.

  And the song is ATC - My Heart Beats Like a Drum

  I don't watch this anime and I've never heard this music. Yet I pulled all of this up in a matter
  of a couple of minutes.
  Damn son, swfchan wiki is fucking great, you should try it.
  And your claim that you're not a fucktard is debatable.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)02:11:59 No.2883515

  You're right.

  You win.

  Fucktarded Anon retires to cure himself.


>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)03:01:09 No.2883544

  or you know, creators could just try not sucking and post the sources under the videos like
  they're supposed to

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)04:31:25 No.2883589

  but the gif is not from the anime
  I mean the animation looks different
  and I can't find this JWML that is written in the background

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)04:39:00 No.2883596


  perhaps tehre is hope for the world, you fucking cunt


  - an anonymous bystander

>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/15(Sun)08:51:03 No.2883660

  nice Flash
Created: 23/8 -2015 07:42:19 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:57:14 Server time: 22/12 -2024 05:41:42