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This is resource R2FTUW8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/8 -2015 04:34:47

Ended:20/8 -2015 08:25:26

Checked:20/8 -2015 10:06:36

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: hex_empire.swf-(1.55 MB, 800x600, Game)
[_] Actual risk game that doesnt suck Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)22:28:00 No.2880705

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)23:09:43 No.2880740

  > doesn't suck
  > all 3 empires gangrape you

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)23:13:26 No.2880743

  >doesn't suck
  >except when it does suck
  >which is always.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)23:57:41 No.2880771

  You can sign a pact, you know?
  Just ally with whoever is on the opposite side of the map from you and your nearest neighbor.
  Then you can easily defeat your neighbor and overpower whoever wins between the other 2 nations.
  Also, don't suicide your units for attrition because your moral will get raped.
  Always try to stay on the offensive.

  This game isn't very hard unless you try to do what you described
  and fight all 3 defensively.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/15(Thu)00:04:57 No.2880775

  well IDK..... I just won. on normal. git gut?

  Oh boy OP, thanks for the find this shit is amazing, maybe I got a smart map (where I could
  either dispute for clusters of port = moral in order to beat the local home team into the cities)

  I got so immersed I even forgot everything.

  good game, Bluegaria and Redesia for the victory.

  you can have more than one treaty?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/15(Thu)00:31:48 No.2880805

  Won in 41 as Bluegaria. Pick a position where there's only one 'front', and the only backdoor to
  your capital is sea based. If there's no sea port just form a wall and prevent them from ever
  entering, while you build morale by winning small places over and over. Slowly move back forces
  out, and you'll roll over the enemy.

  also, AI really doesnt expect you to backdoor their capital.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/15(Thu)01:00:41 No.2880829

  Won again, not treaty 38n turns but could have done sooner. if I spearheaded.

  Wish we could know the name of the maps so we could compete.

  also wish we could play online, seems like a lightweight game

>> [_] Eric The Red 08/20/15(Thu)01:03:11 No.2880830

  Finished in 73 turns.
  1. Chose green and allied with blue destroys red up troops next to border with blue
  4.purple attacks blue
  5. I use my navy to take blues base right from under them
  6. take all the land they conquered
  7.squash purple because theyre still weak from war with blue
  8. former red people comeback. destroy them with the troops I got from the towns they used to own

>> [_] Hitler of Bluegaria 08/20/15(Thu)01:08:06 No.2880834

  cheez 73 on what? hard? gonna try hard for the first time

>> [_] Hitler of Bluegaria 08/20/15(Thu)01:44:31 No.2880861


  33 turns on hard.

  Ai on hard is not just more fucky with you, they attack each other more fiercely too

>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/15(Thu)01:48:10 No.2880869

  >33 turns on hard.

  Holy shit you must have had the luckiest map on the planet.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/15(Thu)01:57:13 No.2880874

  Jesus, /f/ sucks today at this game.

  I won on 27 turns on hard difficulty.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/15(Thu)01:58:51 No.2880876

  It isn't rocket science, just get a good map, sign a pact and focus on one enemy while your ally
  is weakened from the AI's attacks, and then force the ally to break the peace and attack you.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/15(Thu)02:22:55 No.2880886

  fuck off I just lost in 14 turns, some maps are realy hard other easier
Created: 20/8 -2015 04:34:47 Last modified: 20/8 -2015 10:06:44 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:14:27