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This is resource ROU4SEV, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/8 -2015 08:09:29

Ended:13/8 -2015 13:29:17

Checked:13/8 -2015 15:51:57

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 36.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Lil_Hitler.swf-(1.76 MB, 320x240, Japanese)
[_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)02:06:58 No.2874247

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)02:53:55 No.2874276


>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)03:05:15 No.2874282

  >everyone gets the same size desk
  what a communist bitch

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)03:06:57 No.2874284

  Lil'Wap dun fuckin goofed

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)04:22:59 No.2874331

  rip lil polawski

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)06:01:49 No.2874363

  >Implying Germany invaded Poland to take Polish lands and not to retake German lands

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)06:30:39 No.2874379

  wtf are you saying? these lands never was german, just some of thier people lived over the
  border, thats it, also germany with other 2 countries invade poland to take every land poland
  has, so your argument is invalid

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)06:45:49 No.2874387

  Land was taken from Germany and given to Poland in the treaty of Versailles, they Germans where
  taking it back.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)06:45:50 No.2874388

  The land historically belonged to Germanic tribes, so in a way all of Europe is German lands.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)06:56:17 No.2874390

  try looking at the old maps, how big was Poland at first, i bet you are german, right? also,
  hitler did nothing wrong

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:01:24 No.2874391

  totally agree

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:02:01 No.2874392

  >b-b-but Poland was big
  glad we could have this discussion

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:02:24 No.2874393

  >mfw he's right

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:03:26 No.2874394

  you said these lands were german, but if u look in the past, they were at first Polish, learn to
  funking read, faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:04:15 No.2874395

  I actually am Norwegian, but even if I was German that wouldn't change a thing. After the fall of
  the Western Roman Empire, the Germanic tribes could act with impunity, and as a direct result
  they pretty much conquered all of Europe and the surrounding area. Not as a single government,
  mind you, but nonetheless it was the Germanic peoples that did the conquering, meaning that
  Hitler was just taking land that belonged to his people 1500 years prior.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:04:59 No.2874396

  At first? When the hell are we calling "first" now?
  That land has changed hands a lot.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:06:24 No.2874397

  so... going like this: if your grand grand grand.... parent killed my grand grand.... then i have
  a right to kill you, yeah?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:07:29 No.2874398

  u tell me that it was germans, and i tell u that was polish, your argument is invalid now

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:08:29 No.2874399

  >That land has changed hands a lot
  so, it might be not germans, cuz its not in their hands anymore, good logic

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:09:10 No.2874401

  I wasn't saying that he was justified, I was just pointing out that you said "these lands never
  was german," which is false.
  That might be an argument if it wasn't for the documented proof that Germanic tribes settled in
  the area. It just depends on how far back you consider to be relevant.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:10:20 No.2874403

  >If I say something that's counter to what you've said, your argument is invalid
  How about you go find a school that'll teach you how to debate and spell the word "you".

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:11:57 No.2874404

  >these lands never was german
  guy who said that is porably laughing now, he trolled you and is not responding...

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:13:05 No.2874405

  if you read the context, you might understand... i think you sould do some classes too

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:14:11 No.2874407

  >It just depends on how far back you consider to be relevant.
  theres no point to fight, because everyone is right...

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:15:28 No.2874409

  That's entirely possible, but I'm not mad, so he shouldn't be laughing. I'm just a history buff
  who was pointing out his factual error.
  Also, figured I should mention that not even 50 years before Hitler's Third Reich, Prussia
  controlled as far as the (currently Lithuanian) city of Klaipėda. It was known at the time as

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:15:28 No.2874410

  samefag much?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:16:28 No.2874412

  Try harder next time. Multiple people can disagree with you, anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:16:40 No.2874413

  there was a part in history, where Poland controlled whole Lithuana

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:18:25 No.2874417

  I wouldn't really call the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth "Poland controlling Lithuania"

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:18:29 No.2874418

  yeah, look:
  thats not hard

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:20:27 No.2874420

  If you say so

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:20:27 No.2874421

  there are some documents, that Poland actually has fucked up Lithuana and get away with this, so
  yeah, they conTROLLED them

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:21:29 No.2874422

  so, you are into paint?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:22:25 No.2874423

  Holy shit

  the grammar
  the shitty caps-locked meme
  the pun

  This is some next level shit-posting

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:25:55 No.2874424

  Fair enough, I'm not an expert on Polish history so I'll have to take your word on it, but my
  understanding was that both countries still maintained completely autonomous governments while
  the Commonwealth still existed.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/15(Thu)07:28:25 No.2874426

Created: 13/8 -2015 08:09:29 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:56:35 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:17:33