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Discovered:15/8 -2015 04:16:23

Ended:15/8 -2015 08:46:32

Checked:15/8 -2015 08:57:23

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File: Rape.swf-(8.36 MB, 1280x720, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 08/14/15(Fri)22:07:40 No.2875929

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/15(Fri)22:37:37 No.2875945

  Anime is "Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai"

  Fuckin' titles get longer every goddamn year.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/15(Fri)22:42:09 No.2875946

  >No nipples

  Whats the fucking point

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/15(Fri)23:06:57 No.2875964

  the love nectar

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/15(Fri)23:14:44 No.2875971

  does he ever bang this bitch or what

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/15(Fri)23:21:46 No.2875975

  And they always translate to some bullshit like "I may not look like it, but I'm a hero, now
  watch me pilot this giant robot to victory!!"
  Just call fuckin Gearstory or something, at least short generic titles are short

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/15(Fri)23:25:33 No.2875978

  that is the longest title i ever saw

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/15(Fri)23:32:34 No.2875983

  This shit is pretty good. Not a typical ecchi comedy you watch while half-heartily beating it.
  Genuinely funny IMO.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)00:05:43 No.2876004

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)00:33:46 No.2876019


  Dunno, it literally just started this summer. It's only into its 6th ep going on 7th. Holy shit
  does she go stalker-crazy though. Makes him eat cookies and drink from water bottles with her
  juices in 'em, tries to rape him with tongs, comes close to decapitating her best friend for
  hanging out with him. Also the guy in question is a secret porn terrorist.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)00:33:50 No.2876020

  Yeah the thing is that the central point for the comedy is sex, so it comes out as just another
  retarded eechi pandering shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)00:37:51 No.2876024


>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)00:42:10 No.2876026

  So do they come out every week or what

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)00:53:53 No.2876032

  something like that. but this one intros a new char and some peeps been busting their shit over it

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)01:12:25 No.2876042

  This is pretty gross

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)01:17:04 No.2876044

  What a fucking waste of time to make this shit

  This is why cartoons can never be "art" because they are always products first

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)01:25:33 No.2876047

  I'll be the first to admit that much of the industry is nothing but fanservice, but that's not
  the case here.

  The context of the scene is that they live in a society which has gone so far in their pursuit of
  morals that they have forbidden every reference to "dirty things", references to sex or porn are
  strictly forbidden and every member of society carries a collar that monitors their every word in
  order to control society.

  The girl doing the raping is obviously really, really horny, but she doesn't know what sex is,
  she doesn't know what being horny is, she has no idea about what is actually happening and
  confuses love with lust, as such and since love is considered good and pure, she doesn't
  contemplate the idea of what she is doing being bad, since it's a product of love.

  It's the result of a dystopian society, an attempt to show that sex is part of the human nature
  and that considering it dirty or wrong is not positive, since you would be holding back part of
  the basic human nature.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)01:31:43 No.2876054

  what speech is she watching? (youtube link pls)

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)01:53:54 No.2876070

  >mfw the streaming site I use for all my animu only uses the Funimation version
  >Funimation censors things that aren't even there for some reason
  >literally censors over nipples that aren't shown

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)01:59:18 No.2876071

  But the idea is presented in a way that makes it LEWD AS SHIT.

  It may be true that the anime has a legitimate, logical plot based on the argument concerning
  dystopian societies and what happens when sexual intercourse is deemed immoral...

  But it's also true it's supposed to make your dick diamonds. Because sexual innocence is probably
  the greatest aphrodisiac known to man. For some reason, probably something akin to nostalgia,
  sexual innocence is fucking hot.

  It's fan service, Anon. It takes the concept of showing the flaws of a utopian moral ideal that
  lead to a dystopian world, and slaps a pair of nipple-less tits and phat ass on it.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:02:41 No.2876073

  This anime is a literal Fahrenheit 451 with boobs and panty flash

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:05:02 No.2876075

  >guy pushes away the sexual advances of girl who openly wants his dick

  Why is anime so shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:06:57 No.2876078

  Absolutely, the series does have such content, I'm just saying that it's not just boobs for the
  sake of boobs and nothing more

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:09:57 No.2876080

  need something for the bluray release, don't they?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:14:29 No.2876082

  Why? Because you're too fucking stupid to learn how to torrent. If you would spend even ten
  seconds, you could learn and you'd get better quality, faster releases, and control over which
  subs you want.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:15:51 No.2876084

  To be fair, he fetishizes purity, and was in love with that chick for being pure and not lewd at
  all. It would make sense that he would reject that in this situation.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:17:11 No.2876086

  Allow me to reiterate, my anonymous friend:
  >It's fan service, Anon. It takes the concept of showing the flaws of a utopian moral ideal that
  lead to a dystopian world, and slaps a pair of nipple-less tits and phat ass on it.

  The anime entices your penis, and it does nothing more than that even if it intended to do so.
  Just because the background story for this particular universe has more substance than what you
  would expect from fan service doesn't make it any less fan service-y.
  In this case, I suppose you are somewhat right. It isn't just boobs for the sake of boobs.
  This time, there are a reason for boobs being on the screen.

  But the fact of the matter is, Anon, that there is a fucking pair of tits on the screen that are
  presented to me in a VERY sexual manner.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:17:56 No.2876087


  fucking anime I swear to god

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:18:02 No.2876088


  >>"Do all boys have this attached to their abdomen?"

  whites = 5-7
  blacks = 11-14
  Asians = attached where belly button should be.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:22:03 No.2876091


  Seconded. How can people be this dumb?
  >see name of anime
  >in 5 seconds found 5 release groups on nyaa
  >highest definition queued for download in 10
  >Finished in 30 mins (shitty internet)

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:24:10 No.2876093

  Because I don't watch on my computer, fucknuts. I watch it on my tablet for maximum comfy in bed.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:24:52 No.2876096

  So, they're using these interesting ideas to make more generic anime bullshit?


>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:25:45 No.2876097

  >download animu on computer
  >transfer to tablet

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:26:43 No.2876098

  "Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru" is the longest one
  I've seen.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:27:11 No.2876099

  Or, I could watch it immediately without having to go through all that shit. This is like one
  isolated case where it's been shit out of countless other series I've watched.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:28:14 No.2876101


  >Media folder shared with plex
  >1080p streaming on anything anywhere in the house.
  >if my internet wasn't shit 1080p streaming anywhere in wold.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:34:34 No.2876107


  >But the fact of the matter is, Anon, that there is a fucking pair of tits on the screen that are
  presented to me in a VERY sexual manner.

  So fucking what? If you're not old enough to see tits, you shouldn't be on this site or looking
  at tits in general. And if you're a grown-ass man or woman and the mere site of animated boobs,
  not even actual boobs, but animated boobs offends you, then you need a full-time tard wrangler
  because you are literally too developmentally stunted to be allowed to live on your own.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:34:55 No.2876108

  And? Shanaproject has automated RSS feeds. You literally only need to hit "Follow" on their
  website and you can have it automatically download to whatever device you want. If you're an
  applefag it's slightly more effort, but this anon already mentioned how to fix that >>2876101.
  There's no reason not to torrent your animu, anon. It's literally better and more convenient.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:35:04 No.2876109


  You are truly a byproduct of the consumer society led to live a mediocre life by not striving for

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:37:52 No.2876112

  Something tells me you didn't read the entire argument that this Anon and I were having, my good

  The topic of interest wasn't the tits being offensive, we were debating whether or not the anime
  can be considered fan service.

  I encourage you not barge in to a discussion blindly, it makes you look like a dummy.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:40:34 No.2876117


  >The topic of interest wasn't the tits being offensive, we were debating whether or not the anime
  can be considered fan service.

  So fucking what? If you're not old enough to see appreciate all forms of art, you shouldn't be on
  this site or looking at art in general. And if you're a grown-ass man or woman and the mere site
  of animated fan service, not even actual fan service, but animated fan service confounds you,
  then you need a full-time tard wrangler because you are literally too developmentally stunted to
  be allowed to live on your own.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:42:54 No.2876118

  yes that's how TV shows work anon. An episode airs weeky

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:44:29 No.2876120

  So fucking what? If you're not old enough to see appreciate all forms of art, you shouldn't be on
  this site or looking at art in general. And if you're a grown-ass man or woman and the mere site
  of animated fan service, not even actual fan service, but animated fan service confounds you,
  then you need a full-time tard wrangler because you are literally too developmentally stunted to
  be allowed to live on your own.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:45:33 No.2876121

  Oh no...

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/15(Sat)02:46:16 No.2876123

  Le cuck faec
Created: 15/8 -2015 04:16:23 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:56:36 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:52:08