File: Policeman Vs Veteran.swf-(9.18 MB, 448x336, Other)
[_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)06:08:30 No.2880164
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)06:14:49 No.2880167
in b4 200 replies.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)06:28:15 No.2880170
I don't mean to Leddit the shit out of this but, source?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)06:30:57 No.2880171
>only in merica
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)06:32:45 No.2880173
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)07:08:23 No.2880185
You are actually so fucking retarded it hurts.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)07:10:23 No.2880186
Why? He's right you know.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)07:20:17 No.2880189
not funny
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)07:21:36 No.2880190
yeah, it's sad, but still true
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)07:30:01 No.2880194
not trying to be funny.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)07:35:01 No.2880198
Are you fucking upset??
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)07:43:30 No.2880200
>Being this mad to see your glory shamed.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)08:27:09 No.2880215
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)08:35:13 No.2880220
from the few times i've seen this, I just don't understand how the cop couldnt get at least one
shot on this dude. I mean, he had the advantage and everything. Brannan had to go back INTO his
pickup to retrieve his gun. I wouldve lit this fucker up way too quick to deal with this shit. I
dunno, fuck it
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)08:53:09 No.2880225
When your fighting your life on line shit gets different. The one who is better wins, the loser
dies. I bet the veteran dude had quite alot of experience from death and knew his shit better
than the cop who has not even thought about the front line. American cop's have the tendency to
panic even from an unarmed nigger and panicing is really the worse thing to do when facing a pro.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)08:55:08 No.2880228
yeah you are because only an idiot would say that and be serious about it. You're not an idiot
are you?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)08:58:17 No.2880230
The police officer in this video was also punished for brutality recently before this event. This
probably led to him trying way too hard to defuse the situation without a fight.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)09:00:24 No.2880232
>Implying I am American
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)09:02:30 No.2880234
wiki said the police did get one shot in and wounded the guy.
>> [_] I'm Cumming Onii-chan 08/19/15(Wed)09:04:09 No.2880236
that scream at the end physically hurt me ugh god
i'm gonna hear that in my sleep
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)09:42:54 No.2880250
I don't get what's so, "Only in murica" here.. I mean, every country has loony self absorbed
Police officer should have just left. He saw a gun, clearly was not armed himself, or if he was
he didn't have the intention to kill with his shot. Should not be a police officer unless you can
do the duties that come with the job.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)10:13:48 No.2880261
first leg shooting, then questions.
at least 4 times in my life a suspicious man went to me and recieved a kick in the leg. 3 times
he has a knife in the pocket,just once i had to apologice with a rum smelling greenpeace's agent.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)10:21:42 No.2880264
wanna get cancer? find this vid on youtube and check out the comment section.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)10:22:39 No.2880265
Don't worry Anon, he gets to be robo cop now.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)10:32:38 No.2880270
>"die, fucker"
>shoots him in the head
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)10:38:27 No.2880273
>implying the cop didn't pull a gun on the vet for a fucking speeding ticket
>implying the cop didn't deserve every bullet he earned
If there's one thing I hate, it's jumped up bullies who wave their dicks around at the first sign
of trouble.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)11:19:45 No.2880287
very funny, don't like my laughing about 'merica and it's inability to do something about gun
control ? Do something about it faggot!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)11:28:24 No.2880291
The cop could have easily shot the criminal and the situation would be over quickly if it wasn't
for people crying whenever a dindu behaves aggressively and gets beaten for it.
Or would you rather cops go after criminals with illegally owned AKs with batons and mace?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)11:52:25 No.2880302
I'd prefer that 'merica sorted it's crap out already, right to be arms is there, sure, but then
that limit means you can't have a nuke, so why is it fine to have a uzi, semi-auto gun instead ?
Last I checked people were only worried about morons coming over from Mexico.
Cop wouldn't have needed to shoot him if he didn't have a weapon in the first place, but,
"'merica so I gots to have my gun and all that."
Hence, I laugh when this shit happens, all the time, but I mainly laugh when this happens in
america cause it is srsly funny.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)11:54:28 No.2880304
>Clearly not armed himself
You can clearly see/hear the officer using a handgun. What?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)11:55:37 No.2880305
Look at this europoor.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:00:56 No.2880308
dudeman was pretty much fresh out of the academy but the sad reality is law enforcement is a very
popular career choice for people that see themselves as above or better than their fellow
citizens, only made worse by the fact it's a position of life and death power that doesn't even
require highschool education.
i mean what the fuck america, i really don't want to see the same kid that was killing class pets
by slowly squeezing the life out them armed with a gun capable of taking lives in moments
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:01:41 No.2880309
oh god pls no
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:03:12 No.2880310
Not euro in fact we have less than even the euro with regards to shootings.
But nice try amerifag!
Hope you enjoy getting shot as well, sooner or later. :) I'll laugh then also
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:03:21 No.2880311
Only in Merica. Apparently no one follows shit in Britain or any of the other places where crazy
stuff like this happens.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:05:31 No.2880312
Enjoy getting shanked by your muslim infestation for not following sharia law. At least my death
will be quick.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:06:08 No.2880313
>The US's problem isn't the ability for unsafe individuals to have firearms, but the ability for
law abiding owners to have semiautomatics
Why do so many retards say this? Jesus fucking christ. The effective parts of gun control that
other countries have is due to the existence of licensing systems. People that follow the law and
are licensed are perfectly fine having semi automatics (and hell, even fully automatics).
From a scientific perspective, you do not change multiple variables when measuring a specific
dependent variable. Why then, do new gun control laws not only do things that actually make sense
(licensing system), but also include stupid bullshit that does absolutely nothing (bans on
"assault weapons")?
Long guns, of ANY kind, are used in an absolutely insignificant amount of crime. Pretty much all
firearm crime in the US is done with handguns. I am sick of Australian retards acting like the
legality of the AR15 is what leads to US gun crime, and not the availability of firearms to those
with a criminal history.
The exact same firearms that are available in the US (for the most part) are also available in
Canada; and Canada does not have the homicide rates of the US. I wonder fuckin why.
The issues with the US stem from the fact that a criminal can get a gun off of armslist. Not the
fact that a law abiding citizen can get an AR15.
Would you think that what prevents Australian gun crime is the fact that you can't get pump
action shotguns (lever action is legal)?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:11:06 No.2880315
>man was pretty much fresh out of the academy
why aren't they packed in pairs? with someone with more experience?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:18:27 No.2880320
that would make sense, right? i thought it was usual for cops to pair and mentor but this guy was
solo for some reason
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:23:15 No.2880323
>jumped up bullies who wave their dicks around
Yeah, like the asshole in the truck.
And you ITT.
Some of you dopes really have a very loose grip on reality.
Carry on.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:23:36 No.2880324
>Would you think that what prevents Australian gun crime is the fact that you can't get pump
action shotguns (lever action is legal)?
Well duh, 1 crisis happens, overhaul the system
America: 1 crisis happens, no changes, people continue to be shot, injured or killed.
Exactly how many school shootings or officer shootings do you need to have happen before you stop
'talking about it' and DO something about it.
But, again, 'Merica! home of free, land of the brave, still stuck in thinking that people will
invade you so better have my gun ready!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:27:34 No.2880329
You're just shitposting now bruh. Criminals will ALWAYS, ALWAYS find a way to obtain prohibited
items. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:30:33 No.2880330
Truth too much for you
Criminals don't always, always find a way to obtain weapons of any kind, unless you allow it to
be easy for them.
I hope you see sense in this, cause next thing you know I'll be LULZ at you on the news soon
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:31:50 No.2880332
Wanna know why this cop didnt shoot earlier? The fucking retards out there criticizing the police
force for taking action that's why. ,ost police officers dont have to intention to kill you, only
the intention to live. Thats why he was telling him to put the gun down and didnt take the shot.
all the fucking people out there that start a riot when a cop defends his life. at this rate we
won't even have a police force in america
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:37:07 No.2880335
>implying that's a bad thing
let the army do the job lel
>> [_] 助けに来ました 08/19/15(Wed)12:37:37 No.2880336
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>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:48:45 No.2880339
STFU your not looking at the right examples of exessive force and brutality against innocent
flash grenades thrown into rooms with infants inside
ilegal swat raids on homes
letting dogs chew on ppl for prolonged periods of time
yeah theres some good cops but many bad cops are being protected and keep their jobs
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:50:56 No.2880340
am I looking at johnny bravo or what?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:51:42 No.2880341
That's why prohibition has worked flawlessly every time it was instated right?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:55:49 No.2880343
The only smart part about guns laws that make sense are the few laws that involve the local
community for a more "dangerous" weapon. As well as the requirements for safes because it
prevents a local blackmarket.
Licensing doesn't work, in fact approximately 5 provinces in Canada don't enforce most of the
licensing law because they know it's shit.
>criminals using armslist to get firearms
Or you know, the black market which consist of firearms stolen from law abiding citizens.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:57:46 No.2880344
>All these replies
Jesus, this video is so old, how can it still trigger people? Oversensitive plebs.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)12:59:24 No.2880345
because newfags keep coming everyday
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:00:17 No.2880346
You are the newfags
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:05:06 No.2880350
if he was black he wouldve been shot when he got the gun.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:07:09 No.2880351
If he was black he'd have been shot in his nigger face upon exiting the vehicle.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:08:15 No.2880352
you're never going to believe this, but the cop shot first.
>Dinkheller fired a shot at Brannan but missed. After the first shot, Brannan returned fire and a
barrage of gunfire was heard.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:10:27 No.2880353
He did get a shot off on the veteran. It doesn't look like it cause the veteran in his rage takes
the hit and keeps going. But the cop takes 9 shots before he goes down. Read the article, man.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:13:01 No.2880354
jesus christ 56 relies
get a hold of yourselves, /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:13:11 No.2880355
sick burn bro
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:16:44 No.2880357
anon hates pigs
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:24:37 No.2880363
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:26:13 No.2880364
thats why the police have guns in other countrys 'cos only the criminals have one. not a veteran
or something like a normal pedestrian or your neightbour.
we are upset because in 'merica avery person u see can shoot u in the face (or the ones you cant
see). And it scares because it can happen to you, or your grandma
'merica people, i cant believe u all are stupid as this faganon
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:32:09 No.2880368
Sir, get back now.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:33:46 No.2880370
don't surpass my record of 74-reply thread with this shit
t. a proud OP
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:34:28 No.2880372
Yup, your shining logic and impeccable grammar has forced me to see the reason in your opinion.
You're a motherfucking wizard, hope to be smart as you one day.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:40:01 No.2880377
Smartness like that isn't earn, given by God himself the man. Pray enough n someday son will be
smart as man.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:40:02 No.2880378
Please end your life.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:49:53 No.2880387
Can't, not in 'Merica!
Embrace the rage machine, faggot!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:51:00 No.2880389
>babbies first day on 4chin
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)13:54:08 No.2880391
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)14:02:26 No.2880397
TIL guns are as easy to make as moonshine.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)14:02:39 No.2880399
>70 replies
we /baited/ now
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)14:05:43 No.2880402
disarming the ppl is not the answer
providing proper education is
oh wait America cant fucking do that either
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)14:12:26 No.2880407
The fact that crime involving firearms virtually doesn't happen in countries with strict gun
regulation must be a coincidence!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)14:12:51 No.2880408
racist pigs + oppressed citizens = america
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)14:17:02 No.2880410
there are countries that operate fine with strict gun control and countries that are fine with
open carry freedom
the difference is the population and its government
America is a nation of greedy violent psychopaths
>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/15(Wed)14:21:56 No.2880416
Happened for me as well when I saw this first time.