File: God save the Queen.swf-(2.89 MB, 640x480, Other)
[_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)20:11:05 No.2897528
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)20:15:03 No.2897531
cuck country
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)20:16:40 No.2897532
Can anyone make a case as to why this would ever be considered a good idea?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)20:23:34 No.2897536
Blame the hack sociologists who constantly advocate that diversity is an intrinsically good thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)20:39:32 No.2897544
I'm willing to believe it might be, but this shit isn't diversity. It's a goddamn invasion. I
don't understand why you euros aren't turning back those towelheads back to the designated
sandnigger countries.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)20:51:31 No.2897549
In the 21st century, with all of our innovation and resources, Humanity should be able to deal
with this kind of crisis like we never could before.
Once we've smoothed out the ISIS situation, we'll figure something out.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)21:15:07 No.2897559
looks like a bunch of youth coming out of Muslim Sunday School. well guys, I guess Britain is
ruined, QED, RIP, etc
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)21:16:14 No.2897561
>diversity might be good
You're a real intellect.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)21:20:10 No.2897562
this is sad
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)21:51:01 No.2897592
Not him, but disliking other races and tolerating other races aren't mutually exclusive. It seems
the only moron in this thread is you.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)22:06:33 No.2897610
white bois just mad that our god is real
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)22:08:45 No.2897611
Feels good living in the North, the only dirtys we get up here are the occasional southerner on
holiday and the local pizza shop owners
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)22:15:53 No.2897616
> using a particular word makes you stupid
> ignoring people you disagree with
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)22:17:04 No.2897620
I think you mean the odd
>Sandnigger invasion on your shitty places
>Black man which doesn't realize there is no sun up there and should go back to africa
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)22:20:29 No.2897624
They won't give a shit about allah once they taste the burgers and see gucci products. Seriously,
consumerism always wins.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)22:34:53 No.2897635
Innovation and resources mean nothing when the very people you intend to help want to dominate
and/or kill you and destroy everything you've built.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)22:40:58 No.2897641
Once we've smoothed out the Cold War situation, we'll figure something out.
Once we've smoothed out the Cuban situation, we'll figure something out.
Once we've smoothed out the Desert Storm situation, we'll figure something out.
Once we've smoothed out the 9/11 situation, we'll figure something out.
Once we've smoothed out the Osama bin Ladin situation, we'll figure something out.
Once we've smoothed out the Afghanistan situation, we'll figure something out.
Once we've smoothed out the ISIS situation, we'll figure something out.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)22:48:00 No.2897644
>god is real
>shiggy diggy doo
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)23:04:15 No.2897651
Nothing is ever solved. The problems of the old generation are heaped onto the young. The young
are taught to think and behave like the old, and so they address their parents' bequeathed
problems in the way that their parents did, so those inherited problems aren't solved and instead
are passed on to our their children in turn.
Basically, history can be summed up like this: Nobody learned anything from their mistakes for
about a hundred years. Some guy had an idea, and it was either shouted down and never tried,
tried and failed (encouraging the "status quo" model), or it is tried and succeeds. A successful
progressive idea will be fought tooth-and-nail by the conservative population, and when all the
crotchety old bastards die, it becomes part of the established conservative model, and they'll
claim it was part of their model/ideology/identity all along.
We've never tried this with mass immigration. Moderate immigration has been pretty successful the
world over, except when a lunatic religious group is the majority. It remains to be seen whether
true multiculturalism works (and no, Toronto, Canada doesn't count); will it be rejected through
violence, will it fail to remain stable and collapse on itself, or will it succeed and enrage the
conservatives? Nobody knows yet. God knows the "stab/blow the shit out of brown people" concept
hasn't worked for the last millennium, so maybe showing a little common decency would help.
And to the "muh economy" people: for god's sake, this is a good thing for the working lower
class. Congratulations on your free promotion, because god knows you'll need first-language
English speakers running the show, considering it's the dominant language the world over, and you
now have an influx of workers who understand simplified-English instructions only.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)23:06:38 No.2897655
if it's anything like australia, you'll see ESL speakers get into management and almost
exclusively hire their own kind. A lot of security these days is exactly that.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)23:15:06 No.2897659
On your last statement, that would imply that new jobs are being created; this is not the case.
There are the same number of jobs, with more people, which means more people are unemployed. The
Brits can only hope they hold their careers while it lasts.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)23:16:37 No.2897662
Jesus, this fucking thread. Do any of you ever get outside? Does it really matter what someone
believes? Like, do you sincerely think the Christians of all people are any better than the
Muslims? Get a hobby.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)23:19:58 No.2897666
Southern California here.
This is exactly what is happening. Government employees are no longer diversified as many of the
working crews are are almost entirely Hispanic. This is so much so that the crew speaks Spanish
working on the job and if you do not speak Spanish, you are left having to deal with a language
barrier in an Agency that is required to speak English. If you make a fuss about it, you are the
one that is reprimanded for "discrimination" even though you are the minority. Hiring and
approvals are now done by Hispanics which is almost a guarantee that anyone who is not bi-lingual
will not get the job due to communication issues.
Its Fucked.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/15(Mon)23:23:18 No.2897670
I think most religious people are stupid, but at least Christians that are batshit insane just
shout retarded things in stadium-churches while they get scammed out of their money. Batshit
insane muslims blow people and property up.