File: WHATISTHISIDONTEVEN.swf-(7.44 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] what is this i dont even.... Anonymous 08/29/15(Sat)22:29:38 No.2890018
>> [_] Anonymous 08/29/15(Sat)22:53:23 No.2890030
mate wtf is this
>> [_] Anonymous 08/29/15(Sat)23:08:53 No.2890037
Jeez, no wonder they lost the cold war.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/29/15(Sat)23:50:41 No.2890065
Wish someone had an explanation for this shit
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/15(Sun)00:09:42 No.2890082
Reminds me of one of those abstract 80s cartoons a la Malice In Wonderland.