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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 11084 Age: 92.77d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 19 Replies: 17 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 48229 [IMG] Sexy Fudge.swf (135.3 KiB) 1115x751, Uncompressed. 114 frames, 24 fps (00:05). Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 48234 no >> Anon 48237 >bunny girls Eugh. Sometimes you need to know where to draw the line, because this is where I fucking draw mine. Kinda sucks that it somewhat looked like a chubby jackal in the thumbnail. I would've been all over that. :^| >> Anon 48276 >># What's wrong with having a fatty bunny chick for sex? Bunnies do have warm soft fur after all. >> Anon 48277 Is this what you kids call "thicc"? >> Anon 48281 I'm just glad it's not the other kind of "fudge" that it looked like from the thumbnail. >> Anon 48282 >># No, that's what niggers call it. >> Anon 48285 Happy Easter!!! Get in my belly!!! >> Anon 48306 >># Lmao. Perhaps you have a point there. Still, not entirely my thing though. >> Anon 48331 furries need to be gassed >> Anon 48333 REQUESTING WHITE VERSION >> Anon 48339 >># >># Stalin did nothing wrong. :^) >> Anon 48379 Yiff in hell, furfags. >> Anon 48386 >># Great idea. Hell, Michigan is quite lovely this time of year to be honest. >> Anon 48737 Looks like a giant turd, white version when? >> Anon 48738 >># Rev up those gulags. :^) >> Anon 48768 Strange thing when playing this swf on a Android tablet with the Flash Player app the background is white. >> Anon 48791 >># I think that's normal for the flash app actually. Eh, I could be wrong though. >> Anon 48924 It's fun, watching kids dig up ancient, tired memes in an effort to be dark and edgy, like a low-commitment Batman, only... a low-commitment Batman who tries to slip "nigger" into conversation more often than possible. Yiff in hell, daddy-o. |