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Threads (2):
File: Skullgirls_420_NoScope_MLG_360_Teacup_hd 720.swf-(1.09 MB, 352x288, Hentai) [_] Anon 2347857 sexy squigly >> [_] Anon 2347895 >mfw I paid $30 for the IndieGoGo the moment they announced a Linux port >mfw it's over a year later with no information at all on what happened to it >mfw there will never be a single fighting game on Linux >> [_] Anon 2347897 >># you need to read more update notes >> [_] Anon 2347902 >># I have been checking them, never saw even a single mention of the port. >> [_] Anon 2347906 >># >linux huehuehuehue >> [_] Anon 2347908 >># Demand an update to mikez on steam's forums or change to windows, bc Skullgirls is high shit on windows/steam and it updates almost everyday. >> [_] Anon 2347909 >># in the 4/9 patch notes >To the person who asked about the Linux port, Mister Dude is still working on it. Hhe said something today excitedly about hot-swapping joysticks being supported by SDL. My apology for the lack of information. Tis morally difficult to prod people you aren't paying. :^)
File: Skullgirls_420_NoScope_MLG_360_Teacup_hd 720.swf-(1.09 MB, 352x288, Hentai) [_] FUKUA 2339745 A game made by anon, for anon. >> [_] Anon 2339762 TITS : THE GAME loled hard |