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Female Horse Vag.swf
363 KiB, 00:02 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 8/4 -2014 20:57:58 Ended: 15/8 -2014 15:12:38Flashes: 1 Posts: 118
/ > /fap/ > Thread 5436 Age: 128.75d Health: 67% Posters: 60 Posts: 118 Replies: 101 Files: 3+2
>> Anon 12190 [IMG] Female Horse Vag.swf (363 KiB) 320x240, Uncompressed. 74 frames, 29.97 fps (00:02). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: Yes.
>> Anon 12211 seriously!? if i see a fucking horse-human hybrid im bustin out the shotgun lol but really wtf? is this whats cool now? is this "hip and outta sight"? (im too old for this whole interweb thing)
>> Anon 12229 >># no no no, don't worry it's never been cool or ethical to fuck a horse, and hopefully never will. it's just now people have interweb powers to post things like these and no one to stop them
>> Anon 12240 Can't see the problem... No different to the MLP that all the holy hypocrites don't seem to mind. Only difference i see is, that this isn't a corrupted adaptation of a kids show by an Adult.
>> Anon 12244 >># Your logic has a giant flaw: That's a real horse, not a drawing. Just like lolicon pics are drawings and no actual childporn. If this and MLP porn is the same for you then you sir are seriously fucked up in the head. (And no, I don't fap to either of it.. eww..)
>> Anon 12249 >># So you think fucking a 1000lb animal that could harm you very easily if it wanted to is A LOT more sick than taking a childrens show with prepubescent cartoon ponies and corrupting it to (sometimes very extreme) porn is so much more acceptable? I think both of the acts are pretty weird, and enjoy neither of them BUT I'm not a hypocrite who thinks one is much more acceptable than the other. It's the mind behind both of those acts I was commenting on, equally as screwed up but on different levels TL;DR Bronies are not allowed to whine over Zoophiles and vice versa...
>> Anon 12250 >># ur weird bro
>> Anon 12252 >># I feel like you lost touch with reality at some point.
>> Anon 12253 >># Yes I might be. But so are you. "I want to have sex with a Horse/Child/Corpse/*Insert any unacceptable sexual partner here*" = "Horrible, evil human you are not fit to live!" "I want to have sex with a cartoon Horse/Child/Corpse/*Insert any unacceptable sexual partner here*" = "Good for you, friend!" Why would ANY of those mindsets be okay?
>> Anon 12254 >># because nobody actually is getting involved into your sick shit? It's drawn -> it's not real -> nobody get's hurt or abused or whatever. dafuq is your problem? You really lost touch with reality, dude.
>> Anon 12256 >># You guys obviously don't agree, fair enough. Can't see why you have to try and insult me. Sooo hypothetically speaking... We invent a way to talk to a horse. Horse says "fuck me, please" = beastiality is instantly acceptable and not the slightest bit weird? OR We invent a way to make the cartoon characters come to life, and then sex with that would be instantly acceptet worldwide as normal and legal? By that logic a 10 year old could take a 1 year class on all aspects of sex education and afterwards consent to sex like an adult, because then nobody got hurt and it would all be fine and dandy?
>> Anon 12260 Well, time to chime in with my two cents. It's important to know, as far as psychology is concerned, it is OK to think about something bad/immoral/evil, it's not OK to actually do that bad/immoral/evil something. So long as it stays within the realm of fantasy, it's OK and even can be healthy. No one who actually play violent games thinks that killing people in a game is bad/immoral/evil, but do that in real life and then you've done something committed a crime If someone wants to fantasize about having sex rainbow colored ponies that talk that's fine, not only is that not even remotely possible to do in real life but it's still only a fantasy. And if someone wants to fantasize about having sex with an actually horse, it's questionable but so long as it stays a fantasy it is fine. As human beings we are capable of resisting urges and dealing with them in a way that is safe and harms no one, whether it be by fantasizing or completely ignoring it. When a person craves the real thing and can't go on fantasizing about it that is when they should seek help, then it is a conflicting/endangering their life and the lives of others. It is those people who can't seek help or go by on just a fantasy that are thrown in prison or institutionalized.
>> Anon 12262 >># You have some serious issues, dude. Did you get dropped as a baby or something? >># couldn't have said it better, thank you.
>> Anon 12263 >># Interesting, thank you for taking your time to actually read and understand. I am in no way claiming any groundbreaking knowledge, as far as human psychology goes. I just see it as a bit absurd and hypocritical that adding "cartoon", "drawn" or "animated" in the equation procures an automatic free-pass, and that it is almost never questioned or frowned upon. I realise, that I might have a more "all or nothing" approach to this than most. The whole I'm better than you because my horse is fictive and yours are real attitude is too weird for me. Now let's assume that the fantasy is never acted upon and is just that, a fantasy. The Horse is a real Horse, and the cartoon Horse represents a real Horse. How can one part afford to act all holier-than-thou when he or she is practically the same. I'm having trouble finding a sufficiently intelligent way of wording my posts, but I'm sure you get where I'm going.
>> Anon 12264 >># Okay, I'll take the bait. Again the insults, why? What have I done to you? You can't disagree without going "nananananaaa na" afterwards? And no, of course you couldn't have said it better, as you lack the mental faculties of the gentleman in which you agreed. /Thirdgrade
>> Anon 12265 >># >Now let's assume that the fantasy is never acted upon and is just that, a fantasy. >The Horse is a real Horse, and the cartoon Horse represents a real Horse. >How can one part afford to act all holier-than-thou when he or she is >practically the same. It represents that but it never really happens. That's a big difference and it sounds like you are forgetting this. Just like killing people in games: Nobody really dies. This flash is a guy actually fucking a horse, not a drawing representing that fantasy. It's that easy, really. And with your "all or nothing" approach we'd need to ban porn, games, movies and even books as soon as they fall out of the norm.
>> Anon 12275 >># I retract my previous statement, you are clearly more intelligent than I could gather from your first post. I know the difference between doing something and just thinking it, never doubt that. Also I'm not endorsing conviction based on thought-crime. I am however still questioning, the fact that just because the illegal or taboo act is not in reality, that somehow makes it without doubt okay The media would surely want to make us believe that in a perfect world killing never would be justified or even an option. Let us say that in this perfect world a single person was given a gun and a person to execute, the person then shoots the victim, and the victim then collapsed and bled out on the floor, the Executioner was then taken away, and the victim stood up and removed the fake gore effects, the executioner lived the rest of his life thinking he killed someone. Then isn't the Executioner a killer from anyone who isn't the victims perspective? That makes the executioners thoughts as bad as the actual deed. I apologise if my examples seem too abstract, as I'm having trouble wording my exact thoughts properly.
>> Anon 12277 >># If I got your post the right way: In that case the person would think he really killed somebody so it wouldn't be a fantasy for him but reality. That however has nothing to do with what we are discussing because in the case of games and other things we know we never really do this stuff. This difference is actually a pretty big deal, especially for lolicons. They have pedophile tendencies and can't help it just like homosexuals can't just stop beeing homosexual. They live out these tendencies by fapping to drawn pictures instead of acting on it in reality. None of them ever hurt a real child. Most actually have completely normal interaction with children and would intervene in a rape-situation like 'normal' people would. If you prohibit things like these pictures and fantasies the pressure would build up and up untill there is a 'short circuit reaction' and you got yourself a childrape that could have been stopped easily. The wrongdoer actually didn't want to do this in the first place and feels so guilty that he either goes crazy from guilt or simply kills himself. There are cases of grown men crying like a little bitch because they can't comprehend themselves what they have done. Just to clarify: There are of course Childrapists that don't feel any guilt. These guys however are not necessarily pedophile but simply rapists that get of on abusing power and children just can't retaliate that well. Also a big difference that society loves to forget when judging such people in advance. PS: Why again do we have a philosophical discussion concerning the perception of reality under a flash of a man fucking a horse...
>> Anon 12280 >># You are absolutely right about the build up and that fantasy can be very helpful. Due to me being unable to formulate my perspective intelligently (I don't even know exactly where I'm going right now) I will thank those of you who took the time to try and understand where I was going, and stop bombarding you with text. Have a good day.
>> Anon 12281 >># well, now that was awkward.
>> Anon 12284 >># What was akward?
>> Anon 12287 So... Will there be links to real beastiality in this thread or what?
>> Anon 12304 >># ...and then there's this guy.
>> Anon 12311 >># BUMP
>> Anon 12312 wow you guys killed my boner
>> Anon 12327 Okay I might not be intelligent as most of the folks. Here which might be a good thing. But that being said, I have a question or two for both parties. I'll start by addressing the naysayer. This "thing" here is wrong, we can all agree on this right? And I see your points. But you see things differently, then the people who get of to the ponies. You see a bunch of techno colored horses. The people who wish to have relations with them see pony's that have been given the personality of humans and most who started all the art and stuff, where ones who wanted to be friends, and that emotional relationship to an fantasy grew with they wanted to have sex with them. But that statement if give "cloppers" to much credit as a whole. But it started out as an attraction not to the fact they where a "horse" but who they where. then people became horny when people started drawing them as humanoid/furrys. As for the corps, CP, and later "pony artist" those are more of the forbidden button/fruit effect. (you are told not to push a button. the more you are told not to push it the more you want to push it.) Those are thinks most sane people will never see or come close to in real life. it is drilled into our heads that it is a bad thing. But that makes people wonder what its like and why it so forbidden. more of the first part. they resort to drawing and "enjoying" that thought that has been visualized for them instead of going of to act out that thought. And her we come to the "yaysayer" At what point dose this thought become immoral? Most people know that what there looking at if it had a real life counter part would be wrong. And I understand thinks like Lola bunny is hot but i don't want to go out and bang a rabbit. Almost all cartoons and fetishes can be crafted into art/videos, but most of those are just ways for us to reduce stress, from a primal urge. It people see a sexual body part on something it automatically makes you think what would that feel like, which is what start most of out attractions. But you are right in regard of Fantasy and Reality being different and not being able to tell the difference is a problem. But when and there is the distinction between My little pony and Mr. edd begin and end. both you wouldn't see really in real life. though you could see a horse like mr edd i guess. it just wouldn't talk. But you both brought good points up. and are both right in your own ways. One with the logic "the thought is just as bad as the action." Or as i like to call it the Christian belief. And you are right in the logic. "A thought is a thought. thoughts are uncontrollable ideas, which makes them okay as long as they don't cause an action, based in reality." Which we will call the dream belief. I want a one page report on this thread by next month, on what we have learned. good day.
>> Anon 12329 It's easy to fantasize on different colored ponies b/c Bad Dragon has different colored female pony toys. roduct_images/maryfiles-fixedtest-white_f ull.jpg
>> Anon 12337 are we going to get links or what?
>> Anon 12340 >># what.
>> Anon 12347 >># BUMP
>> Anon 12355 >># Bump!
>> Anon 12356 >># [IMG]1a4.jpg
>> Anon 12472 guys it's just beastiality
>> Soldier_Of_Fap 12501 I've seen some shit and some shit acsessories
>> Anon 12506 >># so you looked into a mirror?
>> Anon 12516 >># Fuck off, you unfunny spammer cunt.
>> Anon 12517 >># [IMG]BUMP.jpg
>> Anon 12543 HA. I hardly believe this is real. You guys are freaking out over fake bestiality and it is HILARIOUS.
>> Anon 12545 >># Small minds, small pleasures I suppose...
>> Anon 12546 I fap to both this and MLP for different reasons. I fap to MLP because I like the characters, so their bodies don't really matter to me. Human, furry or pony, they're still interesting enough to fantasize about. I fap to this because I'm into bestiality.
>> Anon 12616 >># ZONE: ARE YOU NUTS? I'M A HORSE!?!
>> Anon 12736 so fucking whatever girl comes your way is awesome shit but fucking some horse is now considered to be immoral fucking douchebags fuck horses animals are barely above being just things, like sexdolls the horse coulda smacked him with dem hooves if it would have been raped nobody seen the vid, where a man got willingly raped by a horse? no? WHO EVEN GIVES A SHIT FUCK HORSEFUCKERS AND PONYFAGS this board is just filled with furries and the like
>> Anon 12745 >># LET THE RAGE FLOW THROUGH YOU!?!
>> Anon 12749 >># I can't even understand this post, calm your aspergers please
>> Anon 12752 At least it's good to know that the autistic cancer that does this kind of stuff is too socially retarded to interact with other people. Or in other words, I will never meet a horse fucker, and that pleases me greatly. Fucking cancer walks the Earth.
>> Anon 12755 It's funny that all the people who hate this, keep bumping it to the top again.
>> Anon 12789 >># HATERS GONNA HATE
>> Anon 12802 >># BRING IT TO THE TOP YOU SAY?
>> Anon 12803 >># "Waaah waaah waaah" That's all I understood from your post.
>> Anon 12806 This thread will never die
>> Anon 12817 >># MANAH, MANAH, TU, TUUUU, TURURU!
>> Anon 12821 Lol this never gets old. I keep purposefully tagging it as porn just to fuel the shitstorm
>> Anon 12822 stayn' alive, stayn' alive. ha ha ha ha stayn' aliiiivee
>> Anon 12827 >># Is it not porn?
>> Anon 12836 >># Well, yeah but someone keeps trying to get rid of it.
>> Anon 12839 >># I WILL SURVIVE, YEAH, YEAH!
>> Anon 12859 Watching you guys bump, is like watching a child think he's a badass because he said fuck even though mommy and daddy told him not to. I can almost taste how proud you are of yourself. Keep going, you're good for a daily laugh huehuehue
>> Anon 12865 >># huehueheueheueheuehue
>> Anon 12866 >># Lol, well mommy and daddy are getting pretty butt rustled.
>> Anon 12871 >># PROBLEM? *trollface*
>> Anon 12887 >># .
>> Horsie 12888 Why is the image of this flash on the main list on .org blurred? Is it a new feature?
>> Anon 12893 >># This thread has become SENTIENT!
>> !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 12897 >># Let's just say that someone got tired of a horse vagina being bumped up to the top of the thread listing all the time.
>> Anon 12899 ..
>> Anon 12910 Does the administration endorse bestiality porn?
>> Anon 12915 >># BASED GODMOD
>> Anon 12938 ...
>> Anon 12939 One day this thread will die
>> Anon 12955 >># And when it does, it shall be mourned.
>> Anon 12956 >># But not today.
>> !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 12957 >># As long as I don't have to look at it I don't care that it exists.
>> Anon 12978 >># HAIL TO THE KING BABY
>> texus 12992 mB0
>> Anon 13002 >># F-fine officer, I'll never do it again, I swear!
>> Anon 13018 >># What are you in for?
>> Anon 13019 Hey hey heeeeey! everybody calm down. now then... can one of you gentlemen tell me what happened to the ''horse anal'' upload? even though its not a horse in these 2 quick flashes, its a goat.
>> Anon 13021 >># It reached zero health and was deleted due to inactivity.
>> Anon 13025 >># Actually it's a cow not a goat in the horse anal swf. Here's a pic of what a goat's butt looks like. 08/2770874117
>> Anon 13031 is there even a bump limit on swfchan or will this stay here for eternity?
>> Anon 13032 >># Yes
>> Anon 13039 Oh yeah! i almost forget fap to this like every day i do. Ty for bumping fellas. Ziiip*
>> Anon 13044 70th comment yay
>> Anon 13070 obligatory horse fucking bump
>> Anon 13190 bump
>> Anon 13238 bump
>> Anon 13297 is this thread starting to die?
>> Anon 13307 does anyone know where to find the video. i remember watching it once on a beastiality website, but i forgot what it was called
>> Anon 13309 >># you had to ask
>> Anon 13312 every day until you like it
>> Anon 13339 If it's good enough for cavemen, it's good enough for me.
>> Anon 13360 Quality thread.
>> Anon 13387 obligatory horse fucking bump.
>> Anon 13396 Trips comments and the maybe we can let this die right?
>> Anon 13401 >># working on it
>> Anon 13428 horsecunt bump
>> Anon 13492 Bump
>> Anon 13572 le bump
>> Anon 13604 Too bad it's so short.
>> Anon 13610 >># >Too bad it's so short. Just like your dick.
>> Anon 13651 bump
>> Anon 13672 -gun
>> Anon 13733 2nd page?!
>> Anon 13909 almost at 100
>> Anon 13924 wow, i made the first comment like 3 months ago, half of you want the thread to die and the other half are trolling. so much angry, so much hate and's pretty damn random 'round here lately. i guess i should feel proud and ashamed of what i've created....*sigh* >># this is where it all began....
>> Anon 14017 I wish there were more commenters, I wanted to be QT.
>> sage 14040 sage Where the fuck is the report button?
>> Anon 14054 >># on the system page but saging is also an option It does not go into every field though, as opposed to popular belief
>> Anon 14174 I'm surprised this is still here.
>> Anon 14243 c',mon guys 5 more comments and this is all over, it's funny i was the second commenter and all i want to see if this can reach 100 before it dies
>> Anon 14245 >># ok ok... I'm on it
>> Anon 14248 >># Enough people complained already. That's why the picture is warped on the main page.
>> Anon 14249 die
>> Anon 14258 >># Let's speed up the process then, shall we?
>> Anon 14259 I'll take post 100 as well. :^)
>> Anon 14261 Nope, that's me.
>> Anon 14268 >># Cowabunga dude!
Created: 8/4 -2014 21:04:36 Last modified: 25/10 -2018 21:57:09 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:45:52