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Threads (6):
File: Uninstall.swf-(5.54 MB, 640x418, Anime) [_] request inside /r/ 3088363 I'm looking for a flash thats homestuck related Its similar to the shutupandjam flash on swfchan where its this girl and a guy and a weird person thing glitching around the room and you click a music thing to change the song that plays. The 4th song is this violin sounding instrument and I really wanna download that flash but I didn't when I saw it and I can't find the version im looking for on swfchan. >> [_] Anon 3088376 why are all the music flashes with a static image not the same as this? >> [_] Anon 3088379 >># >Bokurano Fuck you for making me remember that suffering. >> [_] Anon 3088389 >># Fuck you OP for making me remember those feels. That song was so good too ; _ ; >> [_] Anon 3088393 Reminded me of this in <2 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0z08Opm EPc >> [_] Anon 3088402 >># http://eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=1922 52&n=%5BS%5D+Shut+up+and+jam.swf This the one you are looking for? Because if so how did you fail to find it? http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/ders e-dreamers Also here is a direct link to the song in question. Also the "weird person thing" is a ventriloquist dummy, just in case you were curious. >> [_] /r/ 3088426 >># oh what the frug I looked at shut up and jam and another music one but neither were this This is fucking madness Thanks for the assist >> [_] Anon 3088433 >># Well the only other 2 on SWFchan have edited soundtracks, and this one was only first seen earlier this month, so you must have seen it originally either on MSPA or somewhere SWFchan doesn't track and just gotten unlucky that it hasn't turned up till now. Either way you're welcome. >> [_] Anon 3088522 >># Because they're made by incompetent people.
File: Uninstall.swf-(5.54 MB, 640x418, Anime) [_] Anon 3087437 >> [_] Anon 3087476 This song awakens my PTSD. >> [_] Anon 3087521 Ok, hate to be that guy, but I googled all the names on the picture I could read and a few different searches based on the look of it and can't figure it out. What's the name of the anime? >> [_] Anon 3087525 >># Bokurano no pico >> [_] Anon 3087528 >># Thank >> [_] Anon 3087550 >># its basically a guide to apt-get, especially the purge and remove subcommand shit was so cash when the first kid logged out >> [_] Anon 3087552 >># Bokuano no pico is one of the best animes ever made i would even go as far to say 11/10 best in the world that is or will ever be. >> [_] Anon 3087556 >># bokurano != boku no pico >> [_] Anon 3087616 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv1mmhlp krM best remix ever!
File: Uninstall.swf-(5.54 MB, 640x418, Other) [_] [M] tonight every night Anon 2989739 >> [_] Anon 2989780 what is this from? >> [_] Anon 2989781 >># Bokurano, it was a alright anime >> [_] Anon 2989783 >># why thank you sir >> [_] Anon 2989784 >># Anime called Bokurano. It was alright. A little messed up though... >> [_] Anon 2989878 >># This is my favorite song to play on guitar, its got finger picking parts harmonics and chords, just all round fun to play.
File: Uninstall.swf-(5.54 MB, 640x418, Other) [_] Anon 2885548 more /mu/esday >> [_] Anon 2885551 Good manga. Fantastic song. Terrible show. >> [_] Anon 2885570 Does anyone remember that music video set to uninstall that is all the scariest moments from old videogames? I remember it featured Giygas, various Final Fantasy, lots of jrpgs, and something with shadows murdering eachother (like a reanactment) The video was set to uninstall, then the credits were an amazing piano cover of the song. >> [_] Anon 2885613 >># I only ever read the manga, but goddamn was it depressing all the way till the end. I mean not even a single primary character got even an ounce of respite even in the end... My feels were so intense in the very end of the show. >> [_] Anon 2885614 >># The chick who was repeatedly raped's sister pissed me off so fucking much. I wish she could have killed that guy in front of her and then continued with her duty. >> [_] Anon 2885622 source :)? on the anime not song >_<' >> [_] Anon 2885628 >># Bokurano. IMO don't watch the anime, read the manga instead.
File: Uninstall.swf-(5.54 MB, 640x418, Anime) [_] Anon 2616060 Unistall >> [_] Anon 2616064 I love the Teto version of this. >> [_] Anon 2616099 >># good animu >> [_] Anon 2616111 >># Have you read the manga? It's way better The anime director himself admitted he didn't like the original material so he changed lots of things >> [_] Anon 2616112 >># >># trips outrule dubs. >> [_] Anon 2616114 Not usually an AMV fan, but I like the AMV for this with Madoka >> [_] Anon 2616115 >AMM sticking his name on everything again top fucking kek >> [_] Anon 2616135 sauce on anime? >> [_] Anon 2616147 >># Better than dealing with faggots that upload youtube embeds without downloads and people converting videos that were converted flashes. >> [_] Anon 2616154 >># right-click >> [_] Anon 2616158 Good post. Post more often >> [_] Anon 2616170 >># But AMM flashes are good. I put my name on flashes that are a lot shittier than any of his.
File: Uninstall.swf-(5.54 MB, 640x418, Japanese) [_] Have some music. AMMA 2345554 Rightclick, do it. I felt like making a wheel once again. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2345565 That's cool. I recommend reading the manga first. >> [_] Anon 2345573 >># Did the ending differ? My go-to advice is to read/watch the inferior version first (since in most cases the original source is better; naturally there are some exceptions) and then enjoy the better one. I never finished the anime, but liked the manga as I read it first, so I kind of fucked up on my own rule. >> [_] Anon 2345613 >># By a huge margin.The story started to diverge a good way in, and it went in a very different direction. >> [_] Anon 2345617 >># both were pretty well done, i read manga and then anime and was still pretty happy but lots of people dont like when they change it also i was addicted with this track when i first heard it from nico nico douga >> [_] Anon 2345711 wow you even added the pic sauce what a gentleman >> [_] Anon 2345846 thats a nice opening >> [_] Anon 2345871 what anime/ song is this garbage >> [_] Anon 2345876 >># Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya |