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Threads (2):
File: kisusiteagenai.swf-(9.43 MB, 1024x576, Anime) [_] Anon 2627042 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2627050 Errr.... this seems wierd and yet funny and confusing. Source for anime? Would be greatly appriciated. >> [_] Anon 2627052 >># Are you serious?… Zero no Tukaima F. >> [_] Anon 2627053 >># Yea.... I am unfortunately serious.... I seem to have been blind to this serie? I have watched many many anime's but I never thought about this as it appeared on 4chan strangely enough. As much as i love anime's though, can I be given a quick reference about this? Is there down's and ups? And is it all in all worth the watch? >> [_] Anon 2627054 Zero no Tsukaima, and please, DO NOT WATCH IT. You will be facepalm-killed. Stupid MC and aggresive tsundere (well, with such hero I would react same way) ruin all potential of situation. >> [_] Anon 2627055 >># In short words: MC is summoned to the another world by loli and starts reacting really inadequate to the situation. That's all, folks. >> [_] Anon 2627057 >># That was one of my first animes and I really enjoyed it. You get a cool world-saving shounen, cute romance, nice comedy and the real definition of tsundere. Don't expect too much, but I hope you'll enjoy it >> [_] Anon 2627059 >># oh...Errr..... You came right after my last post. But I'l take your advice in mind. I do enjoy a serie with a deepened concept rather than easy easy fee easy feel. If nything. Would you mind reccomending a serie worth watching as well? Except the known "Naruto", "one piece" and the likes? Would be nice to have something to see that would both mind-boggle (is that the right word?) and / or make feels appears due to a story developement that is greater that a month's pay on christmas day. Would be appriciated my dear friend from the other end. >> [_] Anon 2627061 >># >># Humm... Thanks for the input. It does seem to be... "over-the-top", but I like to give things a chance. Heck. I have even seen mlp and can say that I somewhat enjoyed it. Though only for the moral of the story and the strange yet cute (?) developement of the story. I am not a picky guy, but seriously.... rule 34? It deems so many things....differently afterwards... Ich.... PPG, C&W, and even Hey Arnold has been defiled for me now... But hey! Kudos for the people who has the daring fantasy to make it and post it worldwide! I think.... >> [_] Anon 2627072 >># Katanagatari. IMHO great anime with specific graphic, stunning plot twists and interesting heroes. Some classic like Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Texhnolyze; Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night new season; CODO GIASSU FTW, Death Note for the same; Steins;Gate. Hmm, that's all, I think, maybe there is something in last seasons, I'm not into novelties. >> [_] Anon 2627087 >># Very good suggestion, although aiming for the mecha a little bit, right? Also: Tatami Galaxy, Mononoke, FLCL, Bakemonogatari, TTGL, Baccano, Ping Pong. Movies like: anything by Miyazaki, Tekkon Kinkreet, Metropolis, etc. These are all 10/10 for me and I would recommend each and every one of them. >> [_] Anon 2627090 >># Puella Magi Madoka Magica is pretty good. >> [_] Anon 2627097 >># -gatari are mainstream, TTGL (and Kill la Kill) is 10/10, I agree, but doesn't fit to request. Baccano, how could I forget about that win. Well, to that list I would include Durarara for its connection with Baccano and same style. >> [_] Anon 2627108 >># >># >># Thanks for the input! I have watched a LOT of anime series, and have made a list of my own. I will not even bother to post it (it is as long as my shat last tuesday), however, I find these suggestions intriguing due to their repeteal mentions... I will look into them and hopefully find a new "keeper" to my list. Due to the reactions around these though I find it likely. I give you many thanks my gentlemen / ( women? I dun even kno anymoar...) Fair sailing for our bay of pirates. >> [_] Anon 2627109 >># Kemonozume Boogiepop wa Warawanai: Boogiepop Phantom Utawarerumono Mushi-Shi Black★Rock Shooter and the series i am currently watching is Natsume Yuujincho just some animes off my list. my original post went out as ghost... >> [_] GrandAmfag !!P3OZL0qiAZr 2627114 >I want to live >> [_] Anon 2627115 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># Thank you all! I have now a deep bag of goodies to look forward to. I wish to thank you all for your contribution. My mind will be open for suggestion beyond these, and I will hope all will continue to do your work and/ or take your example. I am sorry if I missed a "Reference", though you all are appreciated through your suggestions. Keep on lurking. 3 Internet for all. >> [_] Anon 2627117 If you want some slice of life ones: >Hyouka >Clannad >Sakurasou no Pet na Kanozyo >> [_] Anon 2627119 >># >clannad lol >> [_] Anon 2627121 >># Hyouka - Ionno? Clannad - .... Never again. Manly tears have been shed enough. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanozyo - Shure? Ionno wut it ees. Thanks for the contribution. *thumbs up* >> [_] Anon 2627123 >># What's so "lol" about it? >> [_] Anon 2627128 >># It's shit,like really.The most cliche so sad anime where nothing happens.I was so mad when i finished it because i could have watched something better than that. That's so "lol" about it. That anime is from the uguuu~ era and it shows- >> [_] Anon 2627131 >># cliché? i don't know any other anime that would make me shed so many tears, it is just beautiful. i think the studio did a great job with developing the characters, the story and even the graphics. it's either cute, either funny, either sad and true… >> [_] Anon 2627133 >># Guess i seen too much anime and my gauge level is too high because i didn't see any cuteness,funny moments or sad moments in it. >> [_] Anon 2627136 >># Hyouka – kind of a detective, school anime, really pleasant to watch; i love the characters, especially the MC Sakurasou – just cute, fun, sometimes sad… but imho it's definitely worth watching
File: kisusiteagenai.swf-(9.43 MB, 1024x576, Anime) [_] キスシテ↑アゲナイ↓ Anon 2363085 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Grimmm 2363139 sauce plox? googled it but found nothing >> [_] Anon 2363144 >># 自分で性交行く aka Generic Moe Shit No 12076 >> [_] Anon 2363147 >># Zero no Tsukaima >> [_] Anon 2363151 >># its the final season though isn't it? >> [_] Anon 2363152 >># 12067 is pretty accurace >> [_] Anon 2363153 >># right Zero no Tsukaima F >> [_] Anon 2363157 >># what's wrong with your Google? >> [_] Anon 2363158 should have ended after Season 2 >> [_] Anon 2363164 >># just treat the next seasons as a kawaii spin-off >> [_] Anon 2363288 Louise is so dangerously kawaii. |