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Threads (1):
File: MyFirstFlashAnimation.swf-(11 KB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 2378999 Ass Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2379013 Are you even trying? I remember my first attempt at flash. I found this video tutorial on youtube. Kid was showing an example where a stickman jumps out a window. I copied that bit and turned it into a full flash where like he flies through the air, lands on a skateboard. Get's like 6 feet of air over a little ramp, dude reading newspaper in background lifts up his glasses and looks at some skateboarding competition in newspaper. TO BE CONTINUED. Then random dick shorts because I got bored. There was this one where like dude lying down rockets to space with giant cumshot towards ground. was cash. >> [_] Anon 2379035 >># Uninstall adobe, cancel your internet, burn your router, shove your computer up your ass, and send this file to your dead grandma asshole. Oh yea I liked it >> [_] Anon 2379052 >># made me laugh. >> [_] Anon 2379053 >># don't quit your day job >> [_] Anon 2379067 >># loled >> [_] Anon 2379171 what is this incestual shit? >> [_] Anon 2379219 All animators started at the lowest point of their carreer, if you really want to continue down this path, you will need to commit to it, work hard, but you will get there. If you try your hardest none here will be able to touch you when your at the top. ... ... Also your gay. >> [_] Anon 2379241 it is amazing to see such mastery of flash for someone so new to not only the program but visual art in general! go ahead and uninstall flash, op, this piece is your pinnacle. one and done. >> [_] Anon 2379264 >># pls post |