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Threads (6):
File: Super Healthy Space.swf-(9.12 MB, 656x368, Anime) [_] Anon 2656741 No Game No Life Episode 6 "Interesting" Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Javo 2656755 So an anime finally called out the no nipples shit? >> [_] Anon 2656767 >># Only shitty shows don't have nipples. >> [_] Anon 2656772 Fuck, anime has gotten so obnoxiously colorful, and friendly it might as well be japanese my little epony. >> [_] Anon 2656826 >># >Only shitty shows don't have nipples. >What is Gun Frontier >> [_] Anon 2656845 >># Buy the BDs ;^) >> [_] Anon 2656852 >># >What is Gun Frontier garbage >> [_] Anon 2656854 >># Obviously a shitty show. >> [_] Anon 2656859 God there is nothing but shit anime around here. No game No life and sword art online are both shit and you should feel bad for liking them. >> [_] Anon 2656870 first off, omega good job secondly, this show panders more than jojo panders to our record collection. secondly fuck yourself, the anime gun frontier is bad, you leave Leiji Matsumoto out of this >> [_] Anon 2656876 >># art teachers used to teach about using saturation in small amounts and only when the situation needed it, for example if you wanted dreary and depressing you would go for dark and low saturation. Plus it was cheaper to do that anyway. tone has been completely lost on this generation Now since people can afford it, the style is to use the most highly saturated and obnoxious colors possible. thats why people go around wearing shirts the colors of highlighters. the brighter and more obnoxious the colors the better. in fact most stores will up the saturation and brightness on tvs and say they are better or a better picture when they really have little to no difference other than price. This pisses me off to no end >> [_] Anon 2656890 >># I actually enjoyed that episode. Omega good job. >> [_] Anon 2656897 Dear Diary, today OP was not as big a fag as he could have been. >> [_] Anon 2656907 >># You seem like a reasonable person and you've made a point. Let me be pissed off along with you. >> [_] Anon 2656939 But isn't Tet the most wonderful trap ever? http://littlecloudcuriosity.files.wordpr -1.jpg >> [_] Anon 2656947 >># >http://littlecloudcuriosity.files.wordp 5-1.jpg no because it still looks like a boy
File: Super Healthy Space.swf-(9.12 MB, 656x368, Anime) [_] Brosiris !5ZnlOItP4c 2487777 >> [_] Anon 2487781 Seems like a fun show. What is the name of it? >> [_] Anon 2487786 >># No game no life >> [_] Anon 2487791 >># No game no life. It can be retarded at times, but its still a fun watch. >> [_] Anon 2487804 >># >># thanks >> [_] Anon 2487889 This was such a good first season. I really hope they pull through with a second season. >> [_] Anon 2487929 This show easily became one of my new favorites.
File: Super_Healthy_Space.swf-(9.12 MB, 656x368, Anime) [_] OMEGA GOOD JOB! Anon 2454895 >> [_] AdamB15 2454905 >># the flying fuck.... >> [_] Anon 2454920 Firstly, what the fuck is this Secondly, this embodies most of what is wrong with weeaboo shit >> [_] vipper 2454921 >># agreed, now give me the fucking sauce >> [_] Anon 2454927 >># Boku no Pico >> [_] Anon 2454929 >># No Boku No Life. As far as self-insert fantasies full of references and fanservice go, it's not bad. >> [_] Anon 2454930 >># "No Game No Life" is the name >> [_] Anon 2454932 This anime is so fucking bad >> [_] Anon 2455023 Moderately sexy, but not dirty at all.
File: Super Healthy Space.swf-(9.12 MB, 656x368, Hentai) [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2394385 >> [_] Anon 2394393 what >> [_] Anon 2394395 Dafuq ... This requires further investigation ... I'm gonna need sauce on this ... >> [_] Anon 2394396 goojobu~ >> [_] Anon 2394399 What is this anime? :o I seen the scans, but i don't remember the name >> [_] Spoonfeed-kun !QPTUiCz2ms 2394402 >># >># Anime name is No Game No Life Google "Underwater Subs" It's releasing at the moment and is up to episode 7 >> [_] Meta Knight !3JK0oKVRm. 2394404 Source anime is No Game No Life >> [_] Anon 2394406 Thx guy :3
File: Super Healthy Space.swf-(9.12 MB, 656x368, Hentai) [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2385679 >> [_] Anon 2385705 what is this from? >> [_] Anon 2385721 >># No Game No Life It's not actually an ecchi The two main characters just have really perverted minds. This is the hardest core it ever gets. >> [_] Anon 2385748 >shoes, knee socks, and collar >better than pure nudity I like the cut of this guy's jib. >> [_] Anon 2385749 "Ye, Omega Good Job!" >> [_] Anon 2385753 >># knee socks yes, shoes eh, collar fuck year
File: Super Healthy Space.swf-(9.12 MB, 656x368, Hentai) [_] Spoilers The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2384694 In the end, he murders all the girls. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2384696 This is a thing that happened >> [_] Anon 2384698 Omega good job. >> [_] Anon 2384725 wtf is this shit worth watching? >> [_] Anon 2384728 >># if you are a gamer. yes. also spoilers. > i used to be a gamer like you, but i took an arrow in the knee. >> [_] Anon 2384731 sauce pls? >> [_] Anon 2384736 >># no game. no life > yes that is the name of this anime. >> [_] Anon 2384793 >hooter-nub Every time. >> [_] Anon 2384831 >># >STOP |