| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229923 |
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Threads (1):
File: Musical bards perform specialized karaoke, calling back and forth while active word count is used to fullest degree.swf-(2.62 MB, 320x240, Loop) [_] Lo'man !!yk9AoHsJDGN 2390632 >> [_] Anon 2390742 God I lost it when he had to stop and think how to spell "nigga". >n..... >...... >> [_] Anon 2390775 I always laugh the most at "cause those hoes is bitches" >> [_] WKZworks 2390778 I really wish this was a satire. >> [_] WKZworks 2390780 >># I mean hell, with a lot of these "gangsta" rap songs, it almost sounds like the lyrics were written by some KKK members. I feel bad for the poor respectable black folks that get stereotyped because of this shit. I know the cringe when I get associated with common white trash and dumb hick rednecks. |