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Maplestory 2 Gameplay.swf
8,92 MiB, 01:42 | [W] [I]

Threads (2):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 29/5 -2014 04:33:20 Ended: 29/5 -2014 08:39:38Flashes: 1 Posts: 14
File: Maplestory 2 Gameplay.swf-(8.92 MB, 352x240, Game)
[_] Why? The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2398758 Because I can. Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2398807 i don't get it. what's so special about it? or is this some of that immature bs where everyone is supposed to go apeshit because it's a girly/childish-looking game
>> [_] Anon 2398810 >># >># >>#
>> [_] Anon 2398843 Want to know why? Because koreans. I play the Korean version of MS from time to time and they're still eating that shit up.
>> [_] Anon 2398909 That is fucking awful, and destroys any of the charm the original had.
>> [_] Anon 2398910 >># what charm? all i remember is killing a thousand nonchallenging, nonmoving enemies for a single level, yeah i hope this isnt anywhere near final looks, but as long as they dont mabinogi2 this game (75% complete it then listen to faggot fans whine and cancel it.) ill be happy.
>> [_] Anon 2398929 >># The graphical style, the fucking sprite work. Shitting out a terrible 3d environment with somehow even worse gameplay than the original is pathetic. What they should have done was revamped the combat, not changed it into lego ragnarok online.
>> [_] Anon 2398932 kawaii
>> [_] Anon 2398940 >># That's where you're wrong m8. Maplestory 2 will be a separate game. You can still play your 2d grind simulator, while having a 3d grind simulator with some new shit as an alternative. >># What is Maplestory if not that?
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2398943 >># 100% This.
>> [_] Anon 2398948 I hope this is real but also hope it's not. It looks really nice because I can see some of the feelings the original got in this. As some talk about some of the lego look of the game, there were lego looking areas in the original. My problem is the characters looks like they're more lifeless and feeling to them. At least with sprites you can draw out the certain look you wanted an enemy or your character or npc to look at a certain moment while here it looks like they got a blank look on their face whether they're attacking, getting attacked, dancing, or whatever. I would be lying though if I were to say I'm not a bit hyped for it and would also be lying if I were to say I wouldn't try it when it come out. It better still be free to play like the original... or should I say pay2looknice and pay2getgoodwithoutgrindingforyears
>> [_] Anon 2398950 Oh god they turned maplestory into a mobile game.
>> [_] Anon 2398951 >># looks nothing like flappy bird to me
>> [_] Anon 2398953 Looks like a great new game to house NEETS and weeaboos. I approve.

[Z2B4NZF]F !!
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 24/5 -2014 05:33:28 Ended: 24/5 -2014 08:14:29Flashes: 1 Posts: 26
File: Maplestory 2 Gameplay.swf-(8.92 MB, 352x240, Game)
[_] GET HYPE! The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393595 GET HYPE! Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2393601 It's cubeworld
>> [_] Anon 2393604 >Nexon Wan't this a third party project that they keep shooting C&D notices at?
>> [_] Anon 2393608 Everything is Minecraft these days? What happened?
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393625 >># Cubeworld looked promising, but wasnt really finished... >># Nah, the isometric concept for MS2 has been known for a while, this is the first time they've shown gameplay though. >># Its sad but true. I dont know if its the adorable unique look or just cause I FUCKING LOVE MAPLE, but I kinda dont mind the way this looks...
>> [_] Anon 2393626 >># The combat looks very, very dull when compared to Maplestory.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393634 >># yeah... but you have to expect something a little different when changing from 2d to 3d. i have a feeling that when the full game is released and the abilities are more developed it will be more "action-y". im being cautiously optimistic.
>> [_] Anon 2393637 >Nexon After being addicted to Mabinogi (sad, ik), never again.
>> [_] Anon 2393647 >getting rid of the one thing that made mapplestory interesting and unique in order to make a bland looking sequel
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393658 >># Yo, Maple was GREAT from beta through like the first 4-5 years. After that they just included too much extra bullshit, gold farmers went unchecked, and fucking little kids and elitist hackers flooded ther servers ruining the community. Im really hoping this is a fresh start.
>> [_] Anon 2393665 RIP
>> [_] Anon 2393670 >># >a fresh start you will never have a bustling community of people waiting to do Ludi PQ
>> [_] Anon 2393673 WINDIA REPRESENT NIGGA' GOT MY LEVEL 180DK STABBIN' ZAKUM ALL NIGHT LONG. I kinda hope there is a nice plot in this game with Black Mage as well.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393681 >># OMG, THAT SHIT WAS INFURIATING. Kerning PQ, Orbis PQ, Ludi PQ, Pap, Zak all those limited quests. had to get tracks and autoclickers just to stand a chance at entering.
>> [_] Anon 2393683 >># That stuff was easy. The infuriating thing was leeching BF for levels and paying out the ass to do it. Finding BF was tough enough. Then they nerfed his EXP
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393684 >># Agreed. 170 Bishop here (before the nerf to make leveling easy as testicles) Im pretty curious about the story / world in this one too...
>> [_] Anon 2393685 >># I just liked all the trailers for each new character. Phantom's was sad. Mercedes had a cool one. Even the new RED video was cool, giving a shout out to explorers.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393691 >># Adventurers, Pirates, and Cygnus I was all about. From Heroes and Resistance onward, I feel the game really took a step backwards.
>> [_] Anon 2393696 >># That's the gayest shit I've ever seen, probably the worst mapple/gaia faggot community too. but at least this will drawn less fags on Tree of Savior.
>> [_] Anon 2393697 >># It didn't though. The game has been amazing always. It became a bit too complex in it's pay to win aspect, but the game itself was great. They made it a type of game where it was easier to play more classes by making it easier to level up instead of playing one class for life. The music, maps, mobs, and everything else in the game was really well done. Quests had stories, the only real problem that happened is people stopped PQing because grinding seemed to provide faster results. Once the players stopped bonding so much communities kinda fell apart. You had to have an in with close friends or a guild to enjoy it. They even made grinding more fun by offering more exp to larger parties and stuff. They did everything they could really.
>> [_] Anon 2393700 >># >Mabinogi Heroes >Maplestory They make addictive games, all right.
>> [_] Anon 2393704 Its dungeon/queue based.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393705 >># I'll be on that shit too. >># I STILL love the stories and music to this day even though I dont play anymore; I still follow whats happening. I misspoke though, the game is still great, I agree its the community that has fallen.
>> [_] Anon 2393707 Not going to lie, this looks awful. No desire to play it at all.
>> [_] Anon 2393735 >># I won a set of signed Beast Tamer comics they're so cool. I got pretty psyched when I won the contest on their site.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2393748 >># /jealous
Created: 24/5 -2014 05:39:24 Last modified: 25/10 -2018 06:04:49 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:05:47