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Threads (6):
File: Spooky Koko.swf-(7.17 MB, 352x288, Anime) [_] Anon 3365941
File: Spooky Koko.swf-(7.17 MB, 352x288, Other) [_] Anon 3117170 >> [_] Anon 3117286 Cartoons back then really were different
File: Spooky Koko.swf-(7.17 MB, 352x288, Other) [_] Anon 2875174 >> [_] Anon 2875194 mr skeltal cous pls cartoon name(i forgot because i just remember that fat wobblie toot from drawn together), and maybe episode name or smoething gelbfull please >> [_] Anon 2875200 >># its from Betty Boop Snow White https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1u0YYQg wF0 >> [_] Anon 2875276 if anyone cant get to the song here's one for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U92TXiDO OcI
File: Spooky Koko.swf-(7.17 MB, 352x288, Loop) [_] Anon 2825935 What happened to old [adult swim]? 3am used to be Popeye followed by Gigantor. >> [_] Anon 2825957 >># Amazing, i love fleischer >> [_] Anon 2825964 It's said Noodle limbs was a tumblr invention. I always thought it a stupid allegation. >> [_] Anon 2825968 song sauce? >> [_] Anon 2826015 did stuff like this air on TV when it was new or did people pay for a cinema ticket to see it? >> [_] Anon 2826038 >># Some of it aired on television. >> [_] Anon 2826048 >># A lot of older animated shorts were shown at the cinema, before motion pictures. Similar to the way Disney/Pixar movies have unrelated animated shorts before the films these days. People also used to see the news in theaters. >> [_] Anon 2826059 >># Usually cartoons aired between news reels. Used to be you could go to a theater for a nickle and stay there all day and watch a variety of things. >> [_] Anon 2826100 Yeah things were way different back then, basically the theater would show everything on a loop. There'd be news reels, short episodes of a variety of animated and live action serials (episode 238 of Flash Gordon, Ming's Cunning Plot chapter 3 and the like) and one or two Feature Presentations- what we would think of as full length movies. Plus, the theaters were all directly owned by the movie studios, and only showed films produced by said studios. So any town of more than a few hundred people had multiple theaters in direct competition with each other. They'd do giveaways to drum up business to, my grandmother used to have a complete set of cheap dinner ware, including dishes cups and serving paraphernalia that were given away by a theater over the course of a year. >> [_] Anon 2826106 plot twist: a nigger sang this >> [_] Anon 2826112 >># https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDATXtew Prg >> [_] Anon 2826114 https://soundcloud.com/haraldkindseth/be tty-boop
File: Spooky Koko.swf-(7.17 MB, 352x288, Other) [_] Anon 2537006 >> [_] WKZworks 2537013 There will never be another Cab Calloway. >> [_] Anon 2537062 The animation is cool as fuck. >> [_] Anon 2537068 Raaaaad >> [_] Anon 2537070 >># Music's pretty sick too >> [_] Anon 2537135 this singin is pretty sick brah
File: Spooky Koko.swf-(7.17 MB, 352x288, Other) [_] I dreamed I was wearing a fedora Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 2394322 |