File: Steam for Mac sucks.swf-(9.63 MB, 432x240, Other)
[_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)21:36:31 No.2923524
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)21:49:36 No.2923533
was this guy trolling? he's fucking retarded if not
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)21:56:22 No.2923539
i agree, mostly because steam is the exact same shitpile on pc. also, you're a fag.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)22:04:20 No.2923545
I mean, he is using a Mac...
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)22:44:39 No.2923573
I enjoy the music though
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)22:56:03 No.2923583
>play steam
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)23:29:55 No.2923603
>Today we are going to be playing steam
I guess it kind of works because you always hear people say "lets play some xbox"
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)23:29:59 No.2923604
>Uses a Mac instead of PC or Linux
>Can't figure out steam
>"Muh different opinions make me an eggspurt"
>probably retarded.
Everything checks out here.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)23:41:04 No.2923610
C'mon, look at that face, those eyes... it's in his genetics, definitely not (even capable of)
Everything he said here explains why he's a macfag and can't into real computers.
Bet his car says "Fisher-Price" on the fender.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/15(Sat)00:02:23 No.2923624
You know he's right, fam. Steam is almost garbage.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/15(Sat)00:20:10 No.2923640
And you're almost Rex Reed.
>Steam is almost garbage.
Compared to WHAT?!?! Origin? RGSC?
You better take off the tinfoil Red Hat and stop smoking that bug spray. Shit's affecting your
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/15(Sat)00:22:33 No.2923643
>hurr lets play vidya on a piece of shit MAC
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/15(Sat)01:26:41 No.2923700
Never in my life have I ever seen someone more deserving of someone to break into their house at
night and violate them on the deepest levels of violation, then murder them.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/15(Sat)01:48:21 No.2923719
Steam sucks cock. Mac or not.
Having to run a damn client to play 50% of popular games? Letting it run in the background while
fag friends can add you? Making it near impossible to modify games that you paid good money for?
Games : Steam as 4chan : facebook.