File: samefagging.swf-(1.27 MB, 550x309, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)00:49:14 No.2936019
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)01:44:12 No.2936041
what the fuck are these little potato bear anime shitnuggets called
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)01:46:15 No.2936042
i think they call it "chibi" characters, and it seems its the same bitch dancing around with the
other same bitches
so it would be great if a weaboo come here and tell us who the fuck is she and why is she like
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)01:46:41 No.2936043
that was way less helpful than you wanted it to be
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)02:15:49 No.2936058
I've seen this shitting up /a/ enough to know it's called himouto umaru or something. Basically
this little shit lives life as a perfect anime girl the transforms into that thing at home and
harasses her older brother.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)02:22:41 No.2936061
Wow. This anime shit sucks.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)05:50:08 No.2936073
Himouto! Umaru-chan
yeah, pretty much.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)07:28:25 No.2936095
Good song, though. Anyone know what it is?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)09:03:51 No.2936115
I'm not sure that you even know what weeaboo means.
But yes, the anime if fucking garbage.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)09:22:15 No.2936121
I hope you're happy that im spoonfeeding you, you fucking faggot:
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)09:25:08 No.2936123
Please, there was no way for me to find the song myself and I really like it. Thanks.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)09:53:29 No.2936131
user >>2936123 was actually right; someone forgot to fucking sauce the flash in resize
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)10:14:30 No.2936136
> there was no way for me to find the song myself
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)10:59:44 No.2936159
how did you not know the exact name
It was the most shitposted anime on /a/ for a while
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)11:12:26 No.2936165
I'll just leave this here.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)11:27:13 No.2936167
>newfag calling a newfag a newfag.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)11:42:28 No.2936175
A+ flash title.
But yeah, this shit epitomizes the moeblob cancer genre.
Anime is kill.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/15(Mon)11:44:58 No.2936176
Did you try swfchan? The source has been given before, you lazy fuck.