/ > /fap/ > Thread 7876
Age: 66.74d Health: 0% Posters: 5 Posts: 7 Replies: 5 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 28sep2015(mo)12:21 No.24007 OP P1
[G] is this character from a game or something?
[IMG] Purple Skin.swf (1.63 MiB)
640x500, Compressed. 11 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 28sep2015(mo)15:02 No.24010 A P2R1
Pretty sure she's supposed to be from a Ghost Busters cartoon. Extreme Ghost Busters, or The Real
Ghost Busters, something like that.
>> Anonymous 29sep2015(tu)00:34 No.24012 B P3R2
>Extreme Ghost Busters, or The Real Ghost Busters
Nope. I've seen both and I don't know her at all.
>> Anonymous 29sep2015(tu)02:17 No.24014 C P4R3
It's Filmation's Ghostbusters, has nothing to do with Ghostbusters... The one with Bill Murray.
The cartoon is... pretty bad but she's pretty hot anyways. Her name is Futura.
>> Anonymous 29sep2015(tu)02:19 No.24015 C P5
Seriously, who took out the funky beats from the flash. Easily the best part of the show is the
>> Anonymous 29sep2015(tu)02:42 No.24016 OP P6R4
>Futura, Ghostbustress of the Future, was a beautiful sorceress from 2960 and a Ghostbuster in her
time. Futura often helped the Ghostbusters and traveled through time using her futuristic scooter
called the Time Hopper.
You're right, thanks for the info.
>> Anonymous 2dec2015(we)20:23 No.25729 D P7R5
Very nice :)