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This is resource DGPH9H8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/11 -2015 07:55:16

Ended:16/11 -2015 15:04:19

Checked:16/11 -2015 18:11:24

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[_] What's the point Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)01:51:19 No.2952139

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)02:03:17 No.2952148

  Don't give up, Satou-kun! You might create a manga that's popular enough to extend your
  hikikkomori lifestyle for several more years!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)02:15:07 No.2952156


>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)02:35:54 No.2952169

  Just kill yourself. That's what I'm thinking of. I had a good job, but they threw me out due to
  BS reasons. I've been looking for a month now living with my uncle, but I just feel like a
  burden. I fucking applied at McDonald's and other unskilled labor places just to have some money
  inflow until I get another job in my field, but even they didn't want me or hired on teenagers

  I feel useless. I'm pretty sure I should just die.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)02:41:48 No.2952171

  but anon,
  you can't collect dank memes if you're dead

  think about what rare memes await in the years to come

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)02:46:28 No.2952177

  I know what you're going through.

  While I can't say things will ever get better, they can't get much worse either. Can't have light
  without the dark. Like our friend Mr. Ross we're just waiting on the good times now.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)02:47:17 No.2952178

  Think about this anon, 20 years ago we were just getting the internet, now we're just getting VR,
  20 years from now shits gonna be so cash you wouldnt believe

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)02:54:59 No.2952183

  I have a good job and I've been living with someone I love for 4 years, and even I feel the
  'what's the point' kind of depression.

  The mind is a cruel thing. All you can really do is distract yourself from the bad and embrace
  what little good is still left. We'll all die soon enough, no need to rush it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)03:09:32 No.2952196

  I want to kill myself too, but I think ultimately it's only the easy way out

>> [_] Sauce 11/16/15(Mon)03:23:55 No.2952199

  Hate to... break the depressed mood here but- song name plz?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)03:26:19 No.2952202

  try harder

>> [_] Sauce 11/16/15(Mon)03:31:29 No.2952205

  I found it. To high to be on 4chan lmao

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)04:21:54 No.2952230

  Oi m8, if you had the skills to get a good job in the first place then there's a pretty good
  chance you'l find another one, nobody stays at one job or career forever. Cont-

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)04:24:01 No.2952231

  Plus, you at least have a place to stay for now, and even if you do feel like a burden, what's
  stopping you from repaying them later on. Loosing a job aint the end m8, just be glad you're not
  stuck on the streets with no education.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)04:26:39 No.2952234

  Finally, if you do get past this, which I'm sure you will, be prepared for it in the future, look
  into other businesses that may be looking for help in your field and be sure that you have a
  reliable amount of savings.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)05:38:16 No.2952262

  I don't know what any of you faggots are going through, my life is awesome and I got cash in
  reserve and I have no woman which is attached to me.

  Suck it up and deal with it faggots or an hero already.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)07:16:52 No.2952296

  r u australian?
  I am
  no jobs 4 days

>> [_] = 11/16/15(Mon)08:15:14 No.2952307

  Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds. I know how much more apathetic all the happy go
  lucky motivational speeches and quotes make you feel. As well as forced support from strangers
  with varying degrees of honesty.

  If you truly believe it's the end of the road for you, that there's nothing left in this world
  for you to do - do it. Make preparations and do it. And for god's sake don't leave any sappy
  notes behind and don't eat for 12 hours beforehand.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/15(Mon)09:01:17 No.2952326

  Being australian is not an excuse for not having a job you giant faggot.

  I am australian and I am the guy who posted above you, I live in a rural area and I work hard for
  the money I get, you on the other hand are just complaining as you are a lazy faggot who would
  rather complain 'oh someone give me a job cause I can't be bothered to find one myself'

  The jobs are out there you are just unmotivated to better yourself, your lifestyle and where you
  are currently, only person you can blame for that is yourself, god won't help you in this nor
  will any of the faggots on 4chan or the internet in general, only you and you are too much of a
  pussy to do anything about it, just proven by your post.

  You are the scum which has put yourself in the position you are now.
Created: 16/11 -2015 07:55:16 Last modified: 16/11 -2015 18:11:26 Server time: 05/11 -2024 13:50:51