/ > /fap/ > Thread 8099
Age: 27d Health: 1% Posters: 6 Posts: 6 Replies: 5 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 20nov2015(fr)22:42 No.25450 OP P1
[G] how does this site have decent CG but the MOST BORING GAMES IMAGINABLE
like all their games are like this, or hovering over a certain spot until a bar fills or find the
click spot
how is it stuck in the late 90s and still turing a profit enough to stay alive!
[IMG] girlfriend3.swf (20.07 MiB)
640x500, Compressed. 88 frames, 60 fps (00:01).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 21nov2015(sa)08:14 No.25461 A P2R1
How does porn much less crappy porn games turn a profit at all? who PAYS for porn nowadays?
>> Anonymous 21nov2015(sa)14:27 No.25469 B P3R2
Those elitists who fall over each other for a chance to insult your porn preferences.
Somewhere in the world there are several people who are 100% sure that this is the only good porn
and that everything else is worthless shit.
So they pay to keep their "art" going.
>> Anonymous 21nov2015(sa)18:32 No.25470 C P4R3
Personally I don't want a porn game at all, if I want to fap I don't have to put in any work to
unlock the fappable material. I can't imagine anything more advanced than "filling up a bar"-type
of games being popular with many people.
How do you want your porn games? What exactly are you looking for? Any porn game you know that you
don't think is boring?
I've never paid for porn myself but I can see four types of people that pay for their porn:
+ People wanting to support the makers so they continue to make more.
+ People that can't be arsed to spend time to find what they want for free (they value their time
over their money).
+ People that have such specific tastes that what they are looking for simply hasn't spread far
outside paysites, no matter how much they try to search for it.
+ People that want to make their ideas a reality but lack the skill to do so themselves
I've come close to point three myself; there's this one video that I've been searching after for
years but I just can't find it -- except for in the one place where you can buy it for money. But
then I've finally just fapped to something else and the desire has been lifted (you all know that
feeling). Sad thing is I know that with time it will just keep getting harder to find that video
for free as well, wherever it is. Links and seeds die fast with age on the Internet...
>> Anonymous 4dec2015(fr)15:50 No.25785 D P5R4
Actually, I generally prefer my porn to be at least slightly gamified. I find instant gratification
boring and appreciate having to work a little for my payoff. It doesn't have to be complex, some
kind of basic reflex or card game usually does the trick, but it's nice to have a little substance.
>> Anonymous 8dec2015(tu)21:02 No.25895 E P6R5
>decent cg
We sure got that.
This flash isn't even close to decent. That girl is fugly.