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Happy New Year!

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This is resource DUBAVL4, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/10 -2015 18:59:24

Ended:17/12 -2015 22:56:03

Checked:17/12 -2015 23:04:38

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1


/ > /swf/ > Thread 7900

Age: 76.15d   Health: 1%   Posters: 4   Posts: 17   Replies: 7   Files: 1+2

>> Horsie 2oct2015(fr)18:57 No.24114 OP P1

Uploaded code for 48h for free (new and improved 2.0 version)


It's me, that annoying "namefag" called Horsie! And I'm giving for free a code for Uploaded, again!
You can use it to download the lastest nasty hentai from (or similar).
As usual, is first come first serve, so if you got lucky, please say it so the rest doesn't get
Also, don't be greedy. If you don't need it, please don't take it.

Here it is: BI1Q5NXQ


[IMG] uploaded.swf (38.3 KiB)
300x306, Compressed. 1 frame, 1 fps (00:01).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 2oct2015(fr)20:17 No.24116 A P2R1

I'm not sure if this is an advertisement (maybe you get paid for handing out those codes, I dunno)
but it still violates global rule 1-18: "Don't spam or advertise". Because you uploaded a flash
that is just an embedded still image of a logo... Going to give you the benefit of the doubt here
since it does appear like you're trying to just be nice and share porn with people but next time at
least upload a flash loop with music to go with your message.

>> Horsie 2oct2015(fr)22:31 No.24121 OP P3R2

Those codes are given to you for free when you buy a 1 month subscription, but they expire well
before you end your subscription, so they're only good for giving away.
As I can't give this to friends because I don't feel comfortable explaining why I use
(downloading hentai pr0n), and I hate for this to go to waste, I just give it here (it's the second
time I have done so).
About leaving the link of hentaibedta, I guess it's a good site to download using a premium
Uploaded account, and also has lots of content that is really "compatible" with what you find here
in /fap.
As for the useless flash, I tried posting it to "Other", but the link gives me a "page not found"
error, so I created this flash because all other categories need a flash to create the thread.

>> Anonymous 3oct2015(sa)01:30 No.24127 A P4R3

>As for the useless flash, I tried posting it to "Other", but the link gives me a "page not found"
error, so I created this flash because all other categories need a flash to create the thread.
What? "Other" is /swf/ and you did upload this flash on /swf/ (which is "Other"). Where exactly did
you get a 404...? I just don't understand why you needed to create a new flash with a still image
when you could have uploaded any existing flash loop with music instead.

>> Anonymous 3oct2015(sa)09:03 No.24138 B P5R4

"Don't be greedy" and putting out free codes make you sound like those shameless advertising
whores/scammers back on Jewgle land. You're RELYING on the fact someone will take your piss poor
bait. This bullshit rhetoric is copied from brainless bot's post

Shit I could list various far better alternatives to your shitty blog

You know every imageboard ever.

That being said don't you have clash of clans, PSN, Nintendo and steam wallet codes to hand out,

>> Horsie 3oct2015(sa)10:53 No.24141 OP P6R5

Love is in the air...

>> Horsie 3oct2015(sa)10:58 No.24142 OP P7

*Go to
*Look at top: "To upload a flash file: Go to Showtime, Fappables, Games or Other. Porn only in
/fap/ please!"
*Click on "Other"
*Say "Ohh, it was true"

>> !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 3oct2015(sa)15:46 No.24146 SWF P8R6

Had forgotten to update that link, fixed now.

>> Anonymous 3oct2015(sa)16:25 No.24148 D P9

Now you're working as a part-time spambot too?
People like you are the reason that every single decent chan is kill.
Yeah, yeah, muh secrit klub hurrr.

Either kill yourself faggot or consider plebbit, they have an E-fame system for narcissists like

"I'll totally become famous on the Internet!"
"People will love me!!!!"
Fuck off... You're delusional.

>> Anonymous 3oct2015(sa)17:31 No.24153 A P10R7

I honestly think he was just trying to be nice though. He probably don't get paid for giving out
that code? If I understand correctly he paid for a download on Uploaded and got a extra code, which
he is now just giving away. Correct?

>> Anonymous 3oct2015(sa)20:25 No.24161 D P11

I frequent several different chans with people who routinely give out free steam games, bitcoin,
paypal donations, complete siterips (Request and recieve), pre-paid pornsite accounts, even fucking
drugs etc. etc.

Want their names?

This fucking faggot thinks he's a hero making a name for himself by giving out a TWO day voucher
for a unneeded site, and he even shits on THIS site by not bothering to upload something decent
while he's at it.

This Namefag has been useless for a long time.
This is just the spambot-like pseudo-b8 that broke the Anons patience.

>> Horsie 4oct2015(su)10:39 No.24178 OP P12R8

Thank you guys, this is making me more eager to do this again some time. It's so much fun seeing
you spit bile. I'm happy, because I give something for free, and also, give you an outlet for all
this piled up anger you have inside you. Keep it going, you still haven't called my mom names!


>> Anonymous 4oct2015(su)15:31 No.24184 D P13

You don't really into swfchan... at all huh?

>you still haven't called my mom names!
And you haven't called me a basement dwelling neckbeard atheist beta virgin yet.
Whats your point?

>because I give something for free
>"He does it for free."
Yes you're quite the heroic, godlike, superadmin, chan celebrity.

How about instead of giving out near-useless 48h passcodes, you instead start by at the very least
donating enough to SWFAnts to cover the people you're currently and have in the past been scaring

>> Horsie 4oct2015(su)19:35 No.24191 OP P14

>people you're currently and have in the past been scaring away?
What does scare people are whinny anons with anger management problems.
But don't worry, I still love you.

>> Anonymous 4oct2015(su)21:17 No.24193 D P15

>I'll just ignore the parts I don't know how to respond to and imply he has anger management
Good job, gold star, sure showed me.

>What does scare people are whinny anons with anger management problems.
Yes because the guy taking a steaming shit on your living room floor every day isn't to blame.
It's the guy who finally had enough and complains about it, right?

You clearly don't give a fuck about this site.

>> Horsie 5oct2015(mo)09:27 No.24210 OP P16

Ok, shame on me for feeding the troll. You must be very bored or something, but I don't care
The bad thing is, as you aren't a "namefag", I can't ignore you further than this tread.
So, bask in the glory of your "victory", you have won a priceless trophy.

>> Anonymous 5oct2015(mo)11:29 No.24212 D P17


(plural: delusions)

1.) A false belief that is resistant to confrontation with actual facts.
2.) The state of being deluded or misled.
3.) That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief.
"Everybody who disagrees are trolls, EVERYBODY on the internet are just my friends trolling me! Hah
silly friends."

>The bad thing is, as you aren't a "namefag", I can't ignore you further than this tread.
If that's so important to you then go ignore people who don't agree with you here.
They even have systems, scripts and buttons for that purpose.

>So, bask in the glory of your "victory", you have won a priceless trophy.
You're still here and refusing to help improve the site, while cultivating your own perceived
celebrity status... No one won anything, but you.
Created: 2/10 -2015 18:59:24 Last modified: 17/12 -2015 23:29:07 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:22:23