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This is resource E3G3P63, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/10 -2015 17:28:34

Ended:17/12 -2015 22:57:06

Checked:17/12 -2015 23:03:06

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28.
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/ > /fap/ > Thread 7922

Age: 68.09d   Health: 0%   Posters: 23   Posts: 28   Replies: 27   Files: 1+2

>> sky357 6oct2015(tu)17:25 No.24264 OP P1

[G] Breeding Season 6.6

Breeding Season is the unholy combination of a farming sim and a sex game.

[IMG] BreedingSeason6.6.swf (12.9 MiB)
960x720, Compressed. 2 frames, 28 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 6oct2015(tu)18:49 No.24267 A P2R1

Is disabling dialogue supposed to completely break the game?

>> Anonymous 6oct2015(tu)18:54 No.24268 B P3R2

Codes please:3

>> Anonymous 6oct2015(tu)19:36 No.24269 C P4R3

So what was broken this time?

>> Anonymous 6oct2015(tu)19:49 No.24270 A P5R4

Far as I can tell, pretty much fucking everything. Can't enter half the shops, you get no events

>> Anonymous 6oct2015(tu)20:24 No.24273 D P6R5

iknowwhereyouliveanon gets you the gallery.

>> Anonymous 6oct2015(tu)21:21 No.24277 E P7R6

Oh, a new version. What did they remove this time?

>> Anonymous 6oct2015(tu)22:50 No.24280 F P8R7

Seems like a bunch more scenes have been removed, all the futanari ones seem inaccessible

>> Anonymous 6oct2015(tu)23:23 No.24285 C P9R8

Remember guys, they're still working hard and removing content as fast as they can. I know it sucks
waiting, but at some point in the future there'll be no content left whatsoever and we can focus on
something more complete and positive.
But for now, gentlemen, stay the course!

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)00:23 No.24288 G P10R9

Yes, and please support them on Patreon.

For you cum-cluster handed neckbeards have nothing better to spend money on.

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)01:39 No.24289 H P11R10

don't understand how people throw money at these guys, when almost every release is broken, like
what is this? so many things not working or missing animations

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)02:43 No.24291 I P12R11

Random question, anyone got the new version of Strumpets?

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)05:16 No.24296 J P13R12

All Futanari scenes bugged. Will instead play the female version of the animation. Genderbent
scenes will also play as female. Neoteny falsely adds a dick to female idles.

Most animations not involving the catgirl removed.
Cowgirl and Demon being the exception.
NPC animations also removed though some of those male animations needed more expressions in the
face so I can kinda see why.

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)06:02 No.24298 K P14R13

this fucking trainwreck, lmao

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)17:51 No.24302 L P15R14

What I don't understand is why these "in-between builds" are released. If you need to remove
something to improve upon it, wouldn't it make more sense to wait until you actually improve that
thing and re-implement it before that build is released back to the public?

I know there are other projects that take just as long or a little bit longer between build
releases, but make sure to at least add more content than is removed, and they generally have a
better reputation than Breeding Season tends to.

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)18:52 No.24303 M P16R15


Would you shut the fuck up about it already? It'll get here when it gets here.


>make sense
>talk about Breeding Season

You know how it is, anon, the blowhards working on this "game" couldn't make a sensible decision if
their lives depended on it.

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)20:56 No.24304 N P17R16

My god, this is like the most broken-ass version of this Ive seen yet.

>> Anonymous 7oct2015(we)23:35 No.24308 G P18R17

Breeding Season's shitty updates are always imitated but never surpassed.

>> Anonymous 8oct2015(th)23:13 No.24339 O P19R18


The in-between builds are released in response to people demanding more build releases. Vehemently
demanding, with no end, for a year.

>> Anonymous 9oct2015(fr)14:59 No.24364 P P20R19

Perhaps that wouldn't happen if the proper releases actually had a decent amount of new content in

>> Anonymous 12oct2015(mo)04:41 No.24437 Q P21R20

The pinups album is gone.

>> Anonymous 12oct2015(mo)17:55 No.24453 G P22R21

I see that they are really striving for the GOTY title.

>> Anonymous 12oct2015(mo)22:24 No.24456 R P23R22

Could somebody put up the latest version of TiTs?

>> Anonymous 13oct2015(tu)00:05 No.24457 S P24R23

I've never seen a game develop in reverse before.

It's like watching the game get un-made.

>> Anonymous 13oct2015(tu)10:43 No.24465 T P25R24

Guys, I figured it out! This version added in different appearance options for the genderbent
characters! Also, if you wanna keep hate slinging, that's cool, but at least be accurate. They did
not remove any animations between this and the last version. Those animations were removed a few
updates back.

(Honestly, the animations should be top priority for these guys. It is the only reason people play
their shitty porn game.)

>> Anonymous 13oct2015(tu)19:03 No.24469 U P26R25

I agree that adding and improving the sex animations would be the best thing they could do with the

I doubt many people still care about new versions of the game for minor fixes to the gameplay

>> Anonymous 14oct2015(we)01:39 No.24473 V P27R26

I remember when people would make excuses for the game here, good to see even those retards can now
appreciate how stupid this patreon is.

>> Anonymous 14oct2015(we)02:33 No.24475 G P28R27

I'd give you a cookie if I didn't throw all of my extra spending into their Patreon.
Created: 6/10 -2015 17:28:34 Last modified: 17/12 -2015 23:28:47 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:53:52