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This is resource EA5UOC3, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/10 -2015 17:58:13

Ended:4/10 -2015 22:20:33

Checked:4/10 -2015 22:29:24

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 57.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Beef Stroganoff.swf-(9.95 MB, 960x540, Anime)
[_] The Beef Stroganoff Song Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)11:53:35 No.2919256

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)11:57:07 No.2919259

  this is a horrible over simplification of what is a fairly complicated dish

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:12:22 No.2919268

  >No butter
  >No paprika

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:15:48 No.2919272

  My thoughts exactly. This isn't how you do this at all. I'm 99% sure they used bacon instead of

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:16:30 No.2919274

  Beef Strokin'off sucks anyway.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:19:46 No.2919276

  /ck/ would have a stroke if they saw this

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:21:25 No.2919278

  I ordered it at a fancy restaurant expecting something marvelous and it just felt like normal beef

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:32:44 No.2919284

  >incharge of cooking

  There's a reason why they eat so much raw shit

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:33:26 No.2919285

  Fucking include the source if you're the OP of this flash

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:36:34 No.2919287

  If you can manage to stumble out of your state of retard tunnel vision for just a moment, you'll
  find the source in the lower right of the flash in the first fucking second.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:40:45 No.2919288

  >12 syllables just for "boys don't know this"
  Japanese is a silly language.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:51:07 No.2919292

  nigga i cant read tojo language

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)12:53:18 No.2919293

  who the fuck can read moon runes

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:00:06 No.2919296


>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:02:28 No.2919298

  >boys don't know this

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:05:55 No.2919301

  No soy, they do not fry the vegetables first... no chili. 0/10 would beat up wife if given.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:06:09 No.2919302

  They can stroganoff my beef, if you get what I'm saying.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:06:37 No.2919303


  Its Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:21:26 No.2919307

  >being on 4chan
  >not being able to read japanese

  literally cancer

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:21:38 No.2919308

  It says fucking Symphogear GX in English, tongue biters. Fucks sake.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:23:43 No.2919309

  What the hell are you guys talking about?



  This is simple, and they are doing it wrong.

  >Fry shreded beef, high temp in oil, until colored
  >Add finely chopped onion and garlic, fry
  >Add sliced mushroom, fry

  >Add white wine, until boiling
  >Add veal stock, dijon mustard, tomato paste

  >Salt and pepper
  >Add creme fraiche and parsley

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:39:47 No.2919318

  as if some shitty japanime rendition of making beef stroganoff gets this many comments. fuckin /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:40:46 No.2919320

  >boys don't know this

  bunch of dudes arguing in the comments

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:44:27 No.2919322

  /f/ is a Japanese Culture board, you pantload. This shit should be obvious

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:45:25 No.2919323

  oh let them pretend they know what theyre doing, theyre just weeb women

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:04:29 No.2919329

  i had fuckin stroganoff two nights ago and it looks like someone took a skirt steak and someone
  just came all over it. tastes pretty good though.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:08:10 No.2919334

  /ck/, i'm surprised you're into /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:31:28 No.2919350

  You're god damn right I'm pissed off.

  Not only are their knife skills dangerous to the point of making me flinch, but this is not beef
  stroganoff. Holy fuck Japan, get your shit together; this is why I can never watch anime that
  involves cooking as a plot point.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:34:51 No.2919352


  >Symphongear GX
  >Cooking show

  please god help this anon

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:37:11 No.2919356

  >Implying I even bothered to care what it's from.

  I said "plot point", but I guess it would have been more accurate to say something like "ever
  focuses on cooking". Most animators can only afford to eat shit from convenience stores and don't
  even bother looking up videos on how to make a dish before they start drawing it based off their
  poor understanding of how the dish is constructed.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:46:20 No.2919369


>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:47:14 No.2919370

  >boys don't know this

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:54:18 No.2919379


>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:59:22 No.2919386

  /f/ - Beef Stroganoff

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:02:18 No.2919389

  xiao mei mei confuses most people about what the hell this board even is most days

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:28:39 No.2919400


>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:28:51 No.2919401

  A giant circle jerk of the same 10 memes, porn, music and shitty youtube rips

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:38:16 No.2919404

  Exactly, goddammit

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:47:19 No.2919409

  > no egg noodles
  > Shit nigger, what kind of shitty sauce are you making and eating on it's own?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:48:24 No.2919411

  Okay cunts. Want to make a poor mans Stroganoff? What you need:
  Ground beef (it's a poormans guide)
  Egg Noodles (use rice if you want as well as the 20lbs rice bags can get you the same price as 1
  bag of egg noodles.)
  Red Cap Milk
  Stroganoff Gravy packs (If you prefer to use gravy made from scratch, go right ahead, it'll add
  more flavor.)
  1 Onion (dice it)

  All this should only cost around 9$ and can feed you for 2-3 days if you're not a fucking fatty.
  It's a heavy meal.

  Get that water boiling for the egg noodles. While you do that, dice the onion, throw it in a
  skillet, put some oil in there and sweat them, while they sweat, season the beef with pepper,
  salt, garlic powder, and anything thing else. Feel free to season the beef how you want, this is
  what I use cause it taste fine. Make them into meatballs, throw them in the skillet with the
  onions to let them cook. This should be your que to throw the egg noodles in the boiling water to
  get them cooking now.

  congrats, you did it Shinji.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:50:03 No.2919413

  Have you seen /f/ in a bag? We have at least 15 memes

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:51:03 No.2919414

  good, but you're missing an emulsifier. if you want the sauce to come out more like gravy, you
  need to emulsify it. also the tomato paste needs to be wrangled under control else it will taste
  like a curry. some people think "tomato paste" means "a whole fucking can of tomato paste".

  so to emulsify, it's useful to flour the meat before frying, because if you do, you don't have to
  introduce roux, which would add more flavours, which complicates a dish that's supposed to be

  to be clear, you can also not use flour. this will make it come out closer to a soup than a
  gravy. neither's wrong, but imo the gravy recipe has better mouth feel. but the soupy version
  tastes just as good.

  >he criticizes people for not being huge anime nerds
  literally nobody cares what animes you're familiar with

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:51:20 No.2919416

  Ran out of room, but you want to CONSTANTLY stir that gravy until it thickens. Then repeat until
  you've added both packs and it's thick enough.. Whisking it can work, I use a spoon sometimes as
  well. Stir that shit till your arms hurts just like the first time you discovered masturbation.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:55:49 No.2919418

  >mfw thread full of boys who don't know what they're talking about

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:56:00 No.2919419

  I don't think that xiao mei mei is in that though
  It's missing another meme too I think.

  What's in the most recent one?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:56:00 No.2919420

  These animu girls discovered a few easy steps to making beef stroganoff: /ck/ hates them!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:57:59 No.2919423


>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:58:43 No.2919424

  The thing is, in an average Japanese home, this recipe works. Japanese beef is different from
  Europe's and America's. Their veggies have a sweeter taste too. I wouldn't call it beef
  stroganoff though. It works for over there.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:59:02 No.2919425


>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)16:02:05 No.2919427

  This recipe is looks like spaghetti sauce and milk

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)16:02:33 No.2919428

  >literally nobody cares what animes you're familiar with

  Normal fags need to leave please

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)16:02:51 No.2919429

  Japan can't into gravy. They have no clue what the fuck it is. All they can make is sauce.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)16:10:09 No.2919432

  > Normal fags need to leave please
  > Normal fags
  > not normalfags
  Gaiafags need to leave please

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)16:12:31 No.2919433

  So if I made a chicken, and used the leftover chicken water with flour and various things to make
  gravy, japan would think i'm eating liquid shit or something?

>> [_] 3 10/04/15(Sun)16:12:32 No.2919434

  Am learning Japanese, can confirm. They're fucking idiots.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)16:13:57 No.2919437

  >le rosetta stone?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)16:18:40 No.2919443


  pick one
Created: 4/10 -2015 17:58:13 Last modified: 4/10 -2015 22:29:26 Server time: 13/03 -2025 10:19:32