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This is resource JIZ0B7B, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/9 -2015 07:48:06

Ended:25/9 -2015 15:28:41

Checked:25/9 -2015 16:22:48

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 25.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: These Pancakes Are Tiny.swf-(4.24 MB, 550x400, Other)
[_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)01:45:46 No.2911911

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)02:11:57 No.2911924

  Eh, I kinda liked it.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)02:18:19 No.2911925

  I hated it.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)02:22:40 No.2911929

  This flash is arguable the most real thing I have ever watched.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)02:25:35 No.2911931

  too real

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)03:11:29 No.2911954

  Holy fuck I can even taste the passive aggressiveness and and edge.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)03:17:33 No.2911956

  now I want some tiny pancakes

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)03:26:02 No.2911960

  For a guy who does nothing but browses 4chan, watches anime and plays games all day I can say
  that this was a waste of time.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)04:06:03 No.2911974

  that waitress was hot for some reason

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)04:45:15 No.2911983

  >3 hours
  >Still doesn't have the boomerang

  What the actual fuck.
  Zelda 1 isn't that hard.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)05:04:56 No.2911988


>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)05:15:12 No.2911995

  magical boomerang perhaps

  don't pay it much mind

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)05:21:05 No.2911999

  wow cool guise he play oldschool zelda game,
  he like us

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)05:25:04 No.2912002

  most boring short animation that has ever existed. In 1997 Steve was Chopping Wood has a better
  story composition than this piece of shit media. I can not express how much I hate this flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)06:35:20 No.2912018

  did it touch your anti-normie spot?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)06:57:18 No.2912026

  they didn't even kiss

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)07:11:11 No.2912031

  if my life was like this I would kill myself

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)07:11:51 No.2912033

  It's the embodiment of what we are. If it really is a waste of time, it's because you're
  essentially watching a candid video of yourself.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)07:14:13 No.2912034

  wow anon, 2deep4mi

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)08:22:03 No.2912057

  The dude could have just have gotten his breakfast without the other dude.

  Or are they fags or something?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)08:26:45 No.2912059

  Americans have a weird phobia of being alone in certain public places, like diners and cinemas.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)08:31:31 No.2912063

  I'm an American and I can confirm this. It's also really dumb.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)08:36:47 No.2912067

  I for one enjoyed this

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)09:21:23 No.2912086

  Not a fear so much as it is social stigma. In the US, if you see someone sitting alone, you tend
  to think lesser of them unless there's something particularly outstanding about them.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/15(Fri)09:27:55 No.2912088

  also confirming this. It's not really spoken of but I feel it as much as the next guy. You don't
  just go eat alone, it's unheard of.
Created: 25/9 -2015 07:48:06 Last modified: 25/9 -2015 16:22:50 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:41:51