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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource M2DB43P, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/11 -2015 07:58:38
9.3 years ago.

Ended:3/11 -2015 18:08:47
9.3 years ago.

Checked:3/11 -2015 18:23:01
9.3 years ago.

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 41.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: undertale-save_the_world.swf-(5.61 MB, 640x360, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)01:57:49 No.2942101

  These undertale songs are pretty good.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)02:07:25 No.2942108

  anyone got anymore undertale boss song flashes?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)02:28:07 No.2942119


>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)05:25:34 No.2942179

  undertale is a autism game

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)06:16:24 No.2942192

  the repetitive nature of the game with slight differences every now and then is like those fags
  who would watch a movie 5 times just to notice more details. Only with undertale it's in shitty
  8bit graphics. Autism has never been truer

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)06:18:59 No.2942193


>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)06:39:24 No.2942202

  You know what? I don't even care about destroying this world anymore!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)06:42:01 No.2942204

  N I C E M E M E
  I E E
  C M M
  E E E
  M E M E
  M E M E
  E F A G G O T

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)07:10:49 No.2942213

  homestkek is a autism game and
  undertale is a autism game,
  look at this muffet spider hentai shit with this annoying 8 bit music,
  you are exactly as autistic as these sonic diaper freaks

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)07:35:09 No.2942220

  people who say that amazing games are bad to try to sound edgy

  it wouldnt be so highly regarded if it was actually bad

  take your shitty opinions to /v

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)07:41:10 No.2942221

  Are you implying that undertale is amazing?
  boy you must not play many games

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)07:41:15 No.2942222

  >it wouldnt be so highly regarded if it was actually bad

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)07:42:13 No.2942223

  nice quads bro

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)07:55:19 No.2942226

  its only some indie trash game.
  is the music even from this game or did they reuse
  music from other games?
  the gameplay is garbage on every level.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)08:21:45 No.2942234

  Fucking christ the implications...

  I thought this was 2k15, you really should stop implying things you fuckwits

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)08:27:29 No.2942236

  can t you give a normal answer?
  you cannot even protect your game,
  just say whats good from it,
  or are some shitty 8bit music all in it`?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)08:33:56 No.2942240

  What do you mean implications?
  You literally said
  >it wouldnt be so highly regarded if it was actually bad
  There was no reading between the lines there.
  >popular things wouldn't be popular if they were actually shitty

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)08:35:23 No.2942241

  >or are some shitty 8bit music all in it`?
  I can't even decipher your fucking sentences, how am I supposed to argue with you?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)08:41:26 No.2942248

  is that what defines this game for you,
  the same thing what makes it autistic for everybody else?
  and what besides the music is worth mentioning?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)09:07:50 No.2942251

  Skeleton dating

>> [_] Storyteller Berndt !Y8crD5lqSE 11/03/15(Tue)09:16:44 No.2942252

  Fishgirl Dating

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)09:48:43 No.2942262

  You guys know Undertale was made by one of the guys who makes music for Homestuck, so like you're
  all Homestuck fags now, ya?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)09:51:59 No.2942263

  undertale is like jazzpunk. an "entertaining" way to spend a couple hours, but not worth the

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:02:39 No.2942266

  Dunno why these cocklords are shitting on undertale so much. Literally just a bullet hell game
  with charming gameplay and a decent story.

  If you've played more than 1 hour of the game or even watched your preferred Youtuber play it and
  you still think its autistic, congratulations, you may have formed your own opinion.

  If you haven't done either of those things and you are judging the game by the cult following and
  other peoples prejudged opinions, have fun missing out on a possibly really fun experience just
  because you've seen a random anon on 4chan say the game is autistic.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:06:27 No.2942267

  That fucking xylophone is so crazy good

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:10:03 No.2942270

  You asked for autism, so here it is. This music is as far from 8-bit as you are from ever knowing
  the loving caress of another human being.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:29:43 No.2942276

  So music makes Undertale into Homestuck? Are you retarded?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:40:16 No.2942280

  I watched Sans' battle and thought it had its charms. I didn't see any reason to condemn it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:43:06 No.2942281

  >not worth the money
  What are you? Jewish? This game is only $10

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:49:15 No.2942284

  I can guarantee most people disliking the game havn't played it simply because it is very popular
  and most users on this fucking site are retarded hipsters

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:50:27 No.2942285

  It's just not a game i find interesting. short game, repetitive and easy. It's a game that's
  mostly played for its story (which is nothing special). There are plenty of alternatives out
  there, and it's only popular cause homekek fans hyped it up as revolutionary. It's just like how
  the last of us was hyped by fans of uncharted when the real product was just an unoriginal story
  wherein cliched characters do cliched things, and the game was piss easy as well.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:58:22 No.2942287

  Never even heard of this game and barely even know what Homestuck is. Should I stay away?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)10:59:51 No.2942288

  do whatever you want

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)11:12:34 No.2942293

  So you played it, then?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)11:28:04 No.2942296

  Loli dating

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)11:28:46 No.2942297

  autism game for the autism board on the autismest website on the autismernet you maymay loving
  C U C K

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)11:37:03 No.2942301

  undertale is somewhere between earthbound and yume nikki, I think. it doesn't do anything
  revolutionary, but it isn't really bad. it's a decently fun few hours.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)11:48:32 No.2942315

  spider is fucking hot, agree about the rest but that spider one turns me on and it aint my type
  of shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)11:55:42 No.2942316

  Seal the thread, everyone inside recieved a fatal dose of autism. Tell my daki I loved her.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)12:05:51 No.2942322


>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/15(Tue)12:07:35 No.2942323

  I hated homestuck but I tried the demo for undertale and ended up buying it. The only thing
  related between the two is the guy who does the music.

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Created: 3/11 -2015 07:58:38 Last modified: 3/11 -2015 18:23:01 Server time: 17/03 -2025 05:33:16