File: khajiit_mages.swf-(543 KB, 600x450, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)17:51:56 No.2925073
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)18:08:26 No.2925085
ninja khajiit update when!!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)18:10:25 No.2925087
Name of the song plz
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)18:12:58 No.2925089
It has never been found, as far as I know. In the previous threads people thought it was some
sort of remix of "Avast your ass"
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)19:03:24 No.2925120
No thread has ever found the sauce for this song aside from the songs it might be mixed from.
This is like a 3 year old flash and the lack of knowledge about it is astounding. We know what
the visuals are, we have archived instances of every time it was posted on multiple image and
flash hosting websites, but no knowledge of the audio aside from what one can garner from
listening to it and knowing other songs.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)20:38:12 No.2925187
It's a remix of "Avast Your Ass" just which one have fun finding it.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)20:58:09 No.2925201
tfw you know the song, but love to see people struggle
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)21:06:14 No.2925205
tfw you lie on imageboards so people you don't know might be jealous of you or think you're cool
haha jk anon I totally know what the song is too, I'm just not telling (v:
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)21:30:15 No.2925215
>"ironic" shitposting
>furfag shit on /f/
this thread sums up how terrible /f/ is in 2015. when will we return to the glory days of 2007?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)21:33:52 No.2925218
here's your reply.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)21:36:26 No.2925219
>stale maymays
you're embarrassing
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)21:36:44 No.2925220
lrn to audio rip
>> [_] Anonymous 10/11/15(Sun)22:08:02 No.2925235
>implying 4chan was ever good
we get it, you spend to much time here and dont like any change at all.