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This is resource MGYGAOU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/10 -2015 07:42:27

Ended:29/12 -2015 18:08:50

Checked:29/12 -2015 18:42:40

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 7948

Age: 70.43d   Health: 0%   Posters: 7   Posts: 11   Replies: 10   Files: 1+3

>> bololo 13oct2015(tu)07:37 No.24460 OP P1

brickleberry bololo

Some brickle for your berry

[IMG] brickleberry03.swf (72.5 KiB)
800x800, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 13oct2015(tu)10:23 No.24463 A P2R1

If you're really bololo I'd like you to know I like your style a lot! Have been digging your works
for years now, they're amazing. I hope you post all of your works to swfchan that aren't here

Btw please put "bololo" in the filename so the flash appears when you search for bololo on swfchan
as well.

>> Anonymous 16dec2015(we)03:30 No.26063 B P3R2

Great as always bololo

>> Anonymous 16dec2015(we)15:27 No.26072 C P4R3

Whats the matter with you two! Look at their fucking faces! This isn't fap worthy or even
impressive in terms of animation, it's terrifying. Wait... Is that the point? In which case bravo,
this file disturbed me.

>> Anonymous 16dec2015(we)21:33 No.26081 D P5R4

"I don't like it so nobody else should!"
Good job, you're mommy's special boy.

>> Anonymous 17dec2015(th)01:09 No.26084 C P6R5

Glad you were paying attention, I was genuinely curious why they even liked it. Next time I'll make
sure I'm super polite about it sir, I'm ever so sorry if my response upset you.

>> Anonymous 17dec2015(th)05:05 No.26086 E P7R6

>>26072's got a point about the layering of those faces, makes it look like 2 bobble-heads are
fucking for christs sake.

still, bololo had some shitty flashes when I first saw him and I'll be damned, he got much much
better at it.

>> Anonymous 17dec2015(th)19:07 No.26099 D P8R7

That isn't the point, I don't give a fuck if you're polite or not.

>This isn't fap worthy or even impressive in terms of animation, it's terrifying.
That's an absolute statement.
You don't like it so it's shit and you'll point fingers like a fucking child at anyone who does.

And no I don't like this, or any of Bololo's work for that matter.

>> Anonymous 18dec2015(fr)00:52 No.26113 C P9R8

Then why be a hypocritical cunt about it? Because it's your right? Or because you're a cunt?
But in all seriousness you're trying to make me look a twat for insulting somebodies opinion, which
is my opinion, meaning you're doing what I'm doing just about something else. Is that the point?
You're saying we aren't that different and I want you to come home Dad I miss you?

>> Anonymous 18dec2015(fr)10:02 No.26125 D P10R9

Yeah yeah, I'm the biggest hypocrite ever for calling you out on commenting like a cumdumpster
Don't play dumb, you aren't.

>> Anonymous 22dec2015(tu)09:24 No.26201 F P11R10


Now kiss
Created: 13/10 -2015 07:42:27 Last modified: 23/3 -2016 02:54:37 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:06:49