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This is resource NDVK5U2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/11 -2015 14:17:47
9.3 years ago.

Ended:1/11 -2015 19:52:42
9.3 years ago.

Checked:1/11 -2015 20:59:42
9.3 years ago.

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 38.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: 1446329572.history-eraser-button_10[1].swf-(9.02 MB, 1000x1300, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)08:13:37 No.2940572

  So this is a thing now, apparently

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)08:30:00 No.2940585

  Is there any way to actually cum since she keeps begging me to?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)08:31:04 No.2940586

  hit enter and type "legs"

  Or just hit space.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)08:45:52 No.2940593

  you can also type "spider" and "asshole"

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)09:26:14 No.2940605

  That mashup after you cum tho

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)09:36:54 No.2940607

  Type in "boogie" for a surprise.

>> [_] Sans 11/01/15(Sun)09:38:21 No.2940608

  actually, getting the window to open then pressing backspace triggers cumming

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)09:39:07 No.2940609

  That is the same one for when you type "legs"

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)09:56:34 No.2940619

  I just noticed the prompt asks about Meloletta. I'm guessing he recycled the code from the last
  flash and forgot to make it say Muffet. Whoops.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)09:57:42 No.2940620

  oh... type "voice" oh....

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)10:02:00 No.2940621

  I thought it was intentional as it was one of his last work.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)10:06:42 No.2940622

  I mean, that could work, but why would it accept prompts like legs and spider?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)10:10:13 No.2940624

  Well in the game the character Mettaton asks a quiz show
  I guess since the names are kinda alike?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)10:17:40 No.2940625

  any sauce on the version of through the fire and flames featured after you cum?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)10:19:31 No.2940626

  type in song in the essay prompt

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)10:22:15 No.2940627

  Well, I feel kinda dumb. Thanks

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)10:40:51 No.2940635

  Does no one else care that she only has six legs instead of eight? God, this kills my boner, not
  accurate to the source material.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)11:14:19 No.2940647

  Seriously. Miss Muffet. Spider monster girl.

  He gave her 6 limbs. Not 8. What was he thinking?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)12:12:21 No.2940677

  Music gets that too.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)12:22:15 No.2940679

  type muffet

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)12:43:02 No.2940689

  this also bugs the hell out of me
  i'm sure there'll be an edit at some point that'll solve it

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)12:43:28 No.2940690

  >6 legs

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)12:45:47 No.2940692

  oh don't be such a pest

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)12:59:47 No.2940696

  what's the mashup at the end?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:03:10 No.2940699

  ... Clearly you did not feel the need to read the thread or you would already have your answer.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:09:01 No.2940703

  not working for me

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:09:44 No.2940707


>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:11:08 No.2940709

  Thanks anon

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:14:23 No.2940712

  I put in "jesus what is this music" and got the nigel scene

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:18:53 No.2940714

  That mashup is actually bretty alright.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:30:47 No.2940720

  Love me some of that boogie

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:38:24 No.2940723

  This is really dumb, but way better than the original dragon force song.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:41:54 No.2940726

  >This is really dumb, but way better than the original dragon force song.

  shit taste detected

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:42:34 No.2940728

  >not liking the original

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:42:40 No.2940729

  >Unironically liking dragon force

  No, friend, it is you that has shit taste.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:46:57 No.2940732

  >voicing opinions
  >expecting anyone to care about them
  Guys... come on... we're better than this

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:48:03 No.2940733

  >we're better than this
  We are? Since when?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)13:51:09 No.2940736

  Was giving you the benefit of the doubt bro

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Created: 1/11 -2015 14:17:47 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:23:13 Server time: 15/03 -2025 03:14:52