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This is resource PC4ZOTU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/9 -2015 20:48:08

Ended:15/11 -2015 18:12:38

Checked:15/11 -2015 18:19:20

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 7796

Age: 53.88d   Health: 0%   Posters: 4   Posts: 5   Replies: 3   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 15sep2015(tu)20:41 No.23566 OP P1

[G] Fresh bug and glitch fixes!

Full Changelog here:

If its laggy for you try one of these:
- Resize your window so its not fullscreen but a bit smaller
- Fiddle with the quality option & frameskip option
- Play it outside your browser with Flash Player Projector (
/support/flashplayer/downloads.html) -- I found this worked best for me and you can just copy &
paste the swf's url directly into it and itll load it

[IMG] Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sept 10 15).swf (29.97 MiB)
785x500, Compressed. 7 frames, 26 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> OP 15sep2015(tu)20:41 No.23567 OP P2

Forgot to add the cheat code in the OP:

-Cheat code: (press 1, 9 and 0 at the same time to activate it, then '8 and 0' to go to the next
level (doesnt work in WORLDMAP), 'PAGE UP' to be almost cumming, '1 and 2' (to spawn goombas), 1
and 3 (koopas), 1 and 4 (bobombs), 1 and 5 (shyguys), 1 and 6 (pokeys). This is for testing only
(or if you are tired of trying to go to the harder levels). Bonuses will be disabled and
coins/score points will be zero in each level!

>> Anonymous 16sep2015(we)10:55 No.23581 A P3R1

Yup, it's still garbage.

>> Anonymous 16sep2015(we)16:28 No.23583 B P4R2

It's the art style and pacing that makes this game unbearable to play.

>> Anonymous 16sep2015(we)16:28 No.23584 C P5R3

Yeah, this is still pretty broken.
Created: 15/9 -2015 20:48:08 Last modified: 16/11 -2015 01:15:23 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:11:13