/ > /fap/ > Thread 7952
Age: 64.84d Health: 1% Posters: 3 Posts: 3 Replies: 2 Files: 1+2
>> Light 14oct2015(we)02:33 No.24476 OP P1
Corruption Of Campions
[IMG] CoC_0.9.4c.swf (7.96 MiB)
1000x800, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver12, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 14oct2015(we)22:06 No.24487 A P2R1
anything new? anything good?
>> Anonymous 15oct2015(th)04:13 No.24497 B P3R2
Longer reply: that assclown kitteh seems only to want to focus on tf stuff (thats transform i.e
only items that make you 'look' different) and for some reason the starting village story. Thats in
this update.
Nothing else as far as I can tell.
And with that, im afraid im officially done with this. Kitteh has the ability to read and edit the
sourcecode for coc (which is a HUGE mess if you havent seen it yet) but seems only interested in
implimenting useless additions to the game. Im not criticising his ability - ive tried to edit the
game and make my own mod and failed entirely - but since its inception, this mod has added the hut
/ wall, accessories (including shields. Woo.), that rediculous oil update, two new areas*, three
encounters* and thats it. No extra story. No new characters. If im wrong there, feel free to
correct me. But I wont be captaining for this shite anymore.
Apologies for any misspelled words, too. Writing using a soft keyboard and it sucks.
*i'm not 100% on whether he/she (pretty sure its a he) added more than that.
Captain, out.