File: not feelin it 2.0.swf-(840 KB, 400x300, Other)
[_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)13:33:43 No.2919315
>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:51:39 No.2919378
Fuck dude, that game was so good
>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)14:58:48 No.2919385
In the middle of my genocide run, I am REALLY NOT feelin' up for it.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:03:26 No.2919391
Flowey was such a bitch... until the true ending.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:04:32 No.2919392
wat game is from
>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:21:51 No.2919398
Just finished mine yesterday, that Sans fight is intense, but I felt like I was gaining progress
easier than Undyne
>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)15:29:56 No.2919402
>> [_] Anonymous 10/04/15(Sun)16:25:31 No.2919448
Oh thank god, I've progressed Undyne to about 1/4 left but as soon as the spears start flying at
me I lose all concentration, also sometime I can nail the yellow arrows and sometimes I sperg
everywhere and miss them, was worried about the eventual Sans fight.