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This is resource QALETCR, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/9 -2015 01:17:56

Ended:16/9 -2015 07:36:54

Checked:16/9 -2015 07:46:02

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 37.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: God save the Queen.swf-(2.89 MB, 640x480, Other)
[_] RIP Europe. You could have stopped this. Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)19:13:03 No.2905087

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)19:23:42 No.2905094

  took me a while to hear what they were saying. as someone who doesn't news, what's the story?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)19:23:42 No.2905095

  lol that Farage's face

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)19:24:46 No.2905097

  wow dude, we transcended time and space to be together for those posts

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)19:35:06 No.2905106

  Europe's Mexicans

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)20:11:45 No.2905129

  Allahu Akbar

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)20:19:04 No.2905132

  It's true, I could have stopped this. But I chose not to because fuck you, that's why.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)20:24:11 No.2905136

  David Cameron?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)20:28:23 No.2905138

  god save the kikes because 4th reich is near

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)20:32:48 No.2905141

  >not getting upset any nutbar christians say PRAISE JESUS.

  same thing, but muh paranoia

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)20:53:15 No.2905144

  This makes me very happy. They're safe now. No thanks to America.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)20:55:56 No.2905145


>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)21:07:59 No.2905149

  Actually I'm in America. Doesn't mean I support their shit though.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)21:45:37 No.2905161

  i'm always one step behind, though. dammit.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)21:47:08 No.2905163

  few nutbar christians blow themselves up in crowds chanting this, though.
  well not anymore, but still same thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)21:59:49 No.2905171

  Suicide bombings are actually pretty rare now. The 9-11 attacks were suicide attacks because
  logistically that's the only way it could have been done. But in the last few years most
  terrorist attacks have been mass shootings or someone planting a bomb and not being around when
  it went off.

  And in the US we have a lot more Christian terroists than Muslim. Abortion clinic arsons and
  assassinations of doctors who practice abortion, Sovereign Citizens murdering cops and trying to
  blow up government buildings. If you live in America you're more likely to be killed by one of
  those nutbars than the muslim ones.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)22:15:00 No.2905186

  fucking this, I get way more nervous when I'm around die hard christians than I do around muslims

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)22:39:52 No.2905215

  kill your self

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)22:41:04 No.2905218

  Poland here, we tried our best at Vienna

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)22:53:30 No.2905230


  what are you gonna do about it if I don't christfag :^)

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)23:12:39 No.2905250

  nah, in fact I think I'll procreate instead

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)23:25:16 No.2905261

  Sandniggers are finally realizing what shitholes their countries are and attempting to flee to
  Europe and European countries like England are welcoming them with open arms instead of sending
  them back.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)23:26:21 No.2905262

  Fuck that, Mexicans are hardworking and actually want to join the American culture. This shitty
  attitude of going somewhere and refusing to adapt is not the same thing at all and we shouldn't
  make the mistake of confusing the two.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)23:29:45 No.2905264

  Fuck off back to /pol/

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)23:41:46 No.2905272

  are they saying 'chocolate bar' ?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)23:47:03 No.2905277

  Thank you. I'm American and I would waaaaay rather see Mexicans in my neighborhood than sand

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)00:04:34 No.2905288

  It's true. Mexicans may get a bad rap for being overly violent, or lazy, welfare leeches, etc.

  But, at the very least they try to integrate with society more than Middle Eastern immigrants do.
  Historically, Muslims have never truly tried to integrate themselves in the host country's
  culture and it's so different than much of the Western world that the two seems incompatible.

  That's why they go to England, where they can safely establish the same homogenous society they
  try to flee from. They think it's where they are that's the problem, never realizing that it's
  them that's the source of their own wills.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)00:08:43 No.2905295


>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)00:12:16 No.2905301

  We use blanket terms like Mexicans and then go off on a tangent by saying either they're here to
  do good or bad. Frankly, that is untrue.

  Mexicans are people just like you and I. I agree, we shouldn't have them here because we owe them
  anything or to make us somehow better than other nations. We shouldn't automatically assume
  they're here in search of moral hard working jobs. We shouldn't automatically assume they are
  here to sell drugs. They're people, and with that, there are those who wish for the good of their
  family, themselves, and friends. Then there are Mexican people who see the state our attitude
  towards the border as opportunity in that they can come here to start or continue the drug trade,
  and thus making the U.S. degenerate.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)00:20:43 No.2905305

  What I think is funny is that people are treating illegal immigration as a grey issue, when it's
  really quite black and white.

  See, it's called illegal immigration for a reason. Because, you know, they're here illegally.
  Regardless of whether or not they're here to start a new life as a respectable member of society
  or push hard drugs and gangbang is irrelevant when they shouldn't be here in the first place.
  It's just become so common that people have given up, accepted it as a fact of life, and are
  working around it rather than fixing the issue outright.
  If you came home one afternoon after work and saw someone hiding out in your home using it as if
  it were their own without inviting them, you'd call the police not let them hang around and wait
  to see if they'll rob/kill you.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)00:29:38 No.2905312

  You fucking kids, I HAVE PLACES TO BEEEEEEE.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)00:40:48 No.2905319

  I have yet to see a group of children chanting "praise Jesus" mindlessly while being corralled
  across a street. It's one thing to proclaim one's faith, but these people don't keep it inside
  the Mosque.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)00:55:55 No.2905328

  post it.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)00:58:24 No.2905331

  don't you fucking do it

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)01:22:33 No.2905340

  700 Million white people in Europe
  450 Million white people in the Americas
  500 Million more people with partial European heritage in the Americas

  200 Million North Africans with 20% European genetics
  80 Million Turks and 70 Million Persians with 30% European genetics
  60 Million half white people in the Caucasus and another 60 Million in Central Asia
  Countless millions of mestizos/Eurasians in the Phillipines, Indonesia, Macau, Sri Lanka, India,
  China from 500 years of European colonialism.....

  500,000 Syrians (who have 20% European genetics) moving into Europe: OH NOES EUROPE IS DONE>>

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)01:34:01 No.2905343

  >literally Black and White fallacy

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)01:36:19 No.2905344

  It's not a fallacy. It's the law. You want in? Get in line like everyone else. You're not special
  just because you think you are, and if you want to claim asylum that's fine, but don't cheapen it
  by using it as an excuse so you can cheat everyone else.
Created: 16/9 -2015 01:17:56 Last modified: 16/9 -2015 07:46:16 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:32:10