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This is resource QDNS7H8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/9 -2015 04:43:20

Ended:29/9 -2015 08:46:31

Checked:29/9 -2015 09:41:12

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: samefagging.swf-(1.27 MB, 550x309, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)22:36:58 No.2915099

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)22:43:16 No.2915105

  Sauce on the song?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)22:56:39 No.2915116

  Hawaii Five O -Theme Song

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)23:40:15 No.2915146

  I don't really see how samefagging would be a problem if we could just tell people apart by the
  way they talk and the thing they're talking about.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)23:42:08 No.2915149

  eat my poop ive been here for so long i dont remember my name

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)23:43:11 No.2915151

  lol take a chillpill dude. *wink* *wink* *poop*

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)23:44:11 No.2915153

  >le samefagging like the flash
  >le funny meme xd
  Holy fucking shit. Fuck off back to Reddit, newshit.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)23:46:18 No.2915159

  I've been here a whole month old man. You can't tell me what to do. *drops mic* *shits on the
  floor through pants*

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)23:46:31 No.2915160

  Which one do I shoot?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)23:51:02 No.2915161

  >le xd
  Look at this guy with his edgy buzzwords. Try getting laid? Just a tip but that's all you get.
  The rest goes to ur mum.
  *drops thread* *shits on Mike* *throws computer*

>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/15(Mon)23:53:24 No.2915163

  >Posted 1 hour 15 minutes ago.
  I'm surprised it took this long to start up.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)00:31:32 No.2915190

  flash/its title were kinda funny, made me giggle a bit

  thread is cringey and redditoid. made me cringe and now I feel dirty for laughing.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)00:56:01 No.2915211

  This word has been assimilated. Soon, I will learn how to emulate all of the douche bags that
  browse this site specifically for the purpose of adding more seconds to the stop watch that's
  attached to their heart which measures how long they've been here.
  >Soooooo cooooool.
  Speaking of cringe, aren't we due another pop-word? "Pleb" is dead and "edgy" is now uncommon. We
  need a new way to call people [bad word] so we can properly chronicle who's been here since when.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)01:33:06 No.2915247


>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)01:35:35 No.2915249

  is autism out of style now too? /vp/ and /tg/ have been using those for ages, and since they're
  my homeboards I've not been keeping up with everybody elses insults.

  Though we still use edgy too, when its appropriate.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)01:53:25 No.2915262

  the new pop word is fam, fam

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)02:23:45 No.2915282

  what anime is this?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)02:42:25 No.2915297


  Can you get them all with one shot?

  Don't worry, your secret is safe with us.
  I'll only reblog this just a little. Not much at all, really.

  You're doing God's work, son.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)02:42:47 No.2915298

  >>You're doing God's work, son.
  thanks lad

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/15(Tue)02:45:25 No.2915300

  Can anyone upload the baby boy slowed down?
Created: 29/9 -2015 04:43:20 Last modified: 29/9 -2015 09:41:20 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:45:56