File: huehuehue.swf-(399 KB, 640x360, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)10:57:35 No.2923160
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)12:54:41 No.2923191
goddamn it
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)13:45:51 No.2923213
Is this really what huehuehue is supposed to sound like? I've been sounding out the eh part like
hu-eh. Fuck!
>> [_] yee 10/09/15(Fri)13:49:54 No.2923217
Hue, as in color hue, sounds like Hugh or hew.
As opposed to
Hue, as in BRBRBRBRBRBRBR. Sounds like HU-WAY.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)13:55:38 No.2923222
She's actually saying Yu, it's the name of an anime MC
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)14:14:52 No.2923242
And now we need the version where every click makes her say something different
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)14:19:01 No.2923244
brb, making hood version
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)16:22:43 No.2923300
god speed
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/15(Fri)16:47:57 No.2923311