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This is resource RTTJ451, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/11 -2015 08:01:28

Ended:8/11 -2015 14:46:09

Checked:8/11 -2015 16:00:02

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Spookytale TRUMPETVANIA.swf-(9.75 MB, 720x480, Loop)
[_] JmTrad 11/08/15(Sun)01:16:47 No.2945899

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)01:22:53 No.2945903

  Some guy in the last undertale flash said he was going to post the one of Sans and Papyrus

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)01:57:34 No.2945918

  its too bad something so accomplished is the subject matter of memeshit stuff

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)02:02:36 No.2945922

  Welcome to the internet.

>> [_] Sagenonymous 11/08/15(Sun)02:08:05 No.2945925

  This make my day.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)02:54:08 No.2945960

  She's a sp8der ;)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)02:56:45 No.2945962

  i liked the flash enough to save it and then LINKIN PARK SHOWED UP AND I FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)03:07:47 No.2945975


>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)03:17:24 No.2945984

  I feel this way about homestuck and its ilk, steven universe and SJWs, mlp:fim and bronies (well,
  the first two seasons at least), my political views, my religion, practically my everything.
  Everything I invest interest into, no matter how good in original quality, is ruined by
  undesirables that want to make it into something its not, end up giving it a bad rap, and making
  the whole thing one big unending hassle of cancer and "memeshit," as you put it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)07:21:54 No.2946096

  >being this mad

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)07:27:57 No.2946097


  >"S-Stop enjoying what I enjoy!..."
  >"Only I can truly understand this, everyone else is just ruining it!..."

  What keeps products like Lisa, Homestuck, Steven Universe, Earthbound, Scott Pilgrim, Adventure
  Time and Undertale alive is their fanbase.

  "Memeshit" allows the fans to make jokes to each other about their beloved game/show.

  And rule 34 will always be a reality, even if the internet ceases to exist.

  >Undertale Parodies

  >Undertale Fan-Images

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)07:30:09 No.2946098

  Go on Youtube and search "Undertale Parodies"

  There's 129 videos to keep you busy for a while if you're looking for entertainment

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)07:54:44 No.2946104


  even though it's memeshit I respect the effort

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)08:28:18 No.2946113

  >A Undertale fag spent multiple hours making this.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)08:31:03 No.2946114

  Imagine how much better the world would have been if Toby Fox would have died of AIDS before he
  could contribute anything to the gay community.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)08:43:01 No.2946119

  >complaining about memeshit
  at least show that you acknowledge the irony of that
Created: 8/11 -2015 08:01:28 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:24:39 Server time: 19/09 -2024 14:51:19