File: chuuni abuse.swf-(1.83 MB, 600x700, Anime)
[_] Go see Chuunibyou Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)12:10:31 No.2953252
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)12:28:56 No.2953261
It was cute, but the lack of development in their relationship over the course of two fucking
seasons just leaves you frustrated.
So no, don't watch Chuunibyou.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)12:47:16 No.2953277
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)12:53:48 No.2953281
First season was fine. Second season was just killing time in pseudo-SoL bullshit with forced
"conflict" created by introducing a pointless character who the show needs to keep reminding us
But the massive blueballs in the last episode singlehanded managed to ruin the entire show for me.
Do watch Chuunibyou. Just avoid the second season.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)12:58:12 No.2953285
Fair enough.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)13:00:07 No.2953289
I've only seen the 1st season so far so I guess I should stop?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)13:37:03 No.2953315
rctrl::send, {click 50}
Hover over the ORA one.
Tap right ctrl key.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)13:41:26 No.2953318
Or stop being a retard and simply do Tab + Enter.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)13:59:07 No.2953334
good job mr. programmer
now automate an idlegame to advance to the next level.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)15:49:47 No.2953392
>the lack of development in their relationship
like every other anime out there
animes always throws sexual tension all over the place but nother ever fucking happens
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)15:52:11 No.2953395
fuck off retard
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/15(Tue)16:06:13 No.2953404
Make me, bitch