File: ~noko nude.swf-(431 KB, 720x480, Hentai)
[_] shirtless update! silent-j 09/15/15(Tue)14:02:45 No.2904804
wazzup faggots. it's ya boy, silent-j coming back with another minus-8 edit. (i did the daisy
edit to ppppu btw).
i tried my best to get it as fluid as possible. fixed some missing torsos, re-shaped some limbs.
the doggy scene still looks kinda weird.
also no nipples. if you guys really want, i can add them, but they're gonna look flat,
considering a lot of z-axis swinging.
honestly it looks better with the shirt on but, meh. enjoy and happy fapping. just finished it
and it's now 4 am in australia.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)14:04:59 No.2904805
only idiots thought it would somehow look better with the shirt off
>> [_] silent-j 09/15/15(Tue)14:06:45 No.2904808
flash editing is a hobby of mine anyway.
i like to see what i can change or improve on from feedback.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)14:13:54 No.2904814
>wazzup faggots. it's ya boy, silent-j coming back
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)14:17:27 No.2904819
needs nips
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)14:20:13 No.2904820
I agree, Clothed is better OP. Good work though man, keep it up.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)14:23:30 No.2904824
>also no nipples. if you guys really want
I want
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)14:24:01 No.2904825
>destroyed audio quality
>no nipples
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)14:26:57 No.2904829
oh shit, missed the audio completely. thanks for that.
my default export settings must be fucked.
something i need to take a look at for all my adobe programs.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)14:29:12 No.2904831
Add nipples and give an option as to whether we want clothes or not.
Also break it up so we can stay on the parts we like.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)15:02:34 No.2904855
You are a god but please fix the sound quality
If you could do this it would be ebin
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)15:06:06 No.2904859
We need less shit posters and more people like you m8
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)15:14:08 No.2904863
Obligatory, tits or GTFO.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)15:15:11 No.2904864
... without nips, this is really killing my boner..
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)15:30:04 No.2904872
This needs nipples and the sound to be fixed but
you have done a great job OP. Keep up the good work.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)15:39:50 No.2904877
Not much point in shirtless with no nipples tbh
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)15:41:49 No.2904880
what the name whit shirt?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)16:49:04 No.2904881
Darude - Sandstorm
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)16:55:05 No.2904886
> hey guys, I edited dogshit how is it now ?
still terrible, sorry
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)16:55:40 No.2904888
>def newfag
and you all wonder why people whine about /f/ being shitty
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)16:59:57 No.2904892
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:06:37 No.2904896
posting in an epic, EPIC thread
God I cant wait to see the screencaps of this -simply- EPIC thread years later. We'll all laugh
and be filled with warm nostalgia. Epic win, OP!!! EPIC WIN!!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:07:08 No.2904898
I'm going to have to make a nigr of this one to I guess. Will try and add the nipples when I have
time later tonight.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:08:53 No.2904900
> all those desperate samefagging shitposting coming from the same ISP
oh my god this autistic koraen has nothing better to do than spamming this garbage here all day
what a pathetic loser faggot xD
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:13:27 No.2904908
kill yourself
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:19:16 No.2904917
dawwww :3 still mad over shadmans fans eh ? xD
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:22:04 No.2904919
Why are you all fucking retarded?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:23:57 No.2904920
I like the smell of my own urine
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:27:36 No.2904927
It's the same autistic Korean faggot who resets his modem to get a dynamic IP to make it look
like multiple posters. He got so mad over how Shadman and other real artists that crushed his
work and keeps spamming the same dogshit everyday and posts tryhard nice comments now since he
has no life.
If you look at the posts, you'll see the posts are always coming with 3-5 minutes of pause
between them. This pathetic loser keeps samefagging his own thread to bump and try to make it
appear like its popular. It's just really fun to see him drown in his own autism.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:31:27 No.2904934
Not only are you autistic, but you're also paranoid.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:35:25 No.2904940
You are hilarious
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:36:17 No.2904941
> wazzup faggots. it's ya boy, silent-j
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:38:10 No.2904943
> 18000
cry louder pls :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:50:17 No.2904962
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)17:54:40 No.2904972
> shadmans over 18000 fans against 3-4 autistic spammers here
explains this garbage flash
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)18:05:04 No.2904985
He mainly like shadman for the faggot overtones.
Like Gaper Mario.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)18:06:00 No.2904988
My mom drank a lot while she was pregnant. I don't know about everyone else.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)18:09:33 No.2904991
and over 18000 people
and Shadmans commissioners
and other artists
so cry more :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)18:09:45 No.2904992
Good job OP, keep it up!
This is a pretty good idea, options always make everything better.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)18:11:29 No.2904995
> talking to yourself
oh god its so pathetic, yet so funny at the same time