File: はああああああん(全員分).swf-(4.73 MB, 480x360, Japanese)
[_] Requesting the flash that goes "bo bi bi ba bow, one two three bo bi bib bow bah" Anonymous
11/20/15(Fri)11:51:55 No.2955691
Yeah I know, I'm being very vague but I cant get it out of my head.
It was Japanese and featured cute girls
Song name would also be appreaciated
Anyway, here's one of my favorite flash(es?)
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:02:54 No.2955699
also if some kind soul does end up posting it could you post the post number?
I have to go to lab and wont be back for 5-6 hours, so it might 404 before I come back.
This way I can always look it up in the archive.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:10:55 No.2955709
I guess I'll post the "lyrics" that I remember
bo bibibibibibib bo bibi bow
one two three bo bibibi bow bow
one two three four boibibibibibibbib bow
Yeah...I'm sorry for asking such a dumb quesiton.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:17:13 No.2955714
the word you're looking for is papepipupo
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:30:05 No.2955725
It's probably pa.swf
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:30:26 No.2955726
Thanks you so much!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:38:28 No.2955734
Just realized this shit is for pre-school kids.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:58:12 No.2955757
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)13:31:28 No.2955778
You don't have to be ashamed; you're on manchinldchan
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)13:34:32 No.2955781
you're looking for isis torture footage.swf or something like that.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)13:37:28 No.2955785
no, that's some asswipe who thought he's funny and renamed the flash. pa.swf is the original name.