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This is resource THW3IXN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/11 -2015 02:50:11

Ended:24/11 -2015 05:24:21

Checked:24/11 -2015 06:30:40

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: flan-loop.swf-(8.26 MB, 960x540, Hentai)
[_] Touhou Tuesday Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)20:42:06 No.2958871

  It's already Tuesday in majority of the world.

  Press button in upper left for alternative costume. N and M to mute sound. Resize for source. Do
  NOT right-click -> play.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:03:20 No.2958886

  That dude's built like a Yoshi.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:10:30 No.2958895

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:23:44 No.2958915

  That's my waifu. Go lewd up Patchy or Sakuya.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:25:43 No.2958921

  >Do NOT right-click -> play.
  Don't tell me how to live my life

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:36:59 No.2958931

  Song sauce:

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:38:14 No.2958932

  my nigga

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:38:27 No.2958933

  I tried it before even reading this.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:39:57 No.2958934

  Death Waltz in the title was a nice touch.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:41:49 No.2958939

  clicked it anyways
  10/10 i came

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:43:32 No.2958942

  The song in the flash is just a different version and slower, but it's the same song without a

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)21:46:43 No.2958945

  Thought you were referring to the exact version. There are hundreds of versions of U.N. Owen was
  Her around so that's usually what people mean when they post source.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)22:00:44 No.2958964

  Well call me retarded but I can't find the original source. Sorry.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)22:03:19 No.2958968

  Resize the window of your browser to reveal area below flash. It has hidden sources for both
  video and music. Copy-paste those kanjis into google.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)22:15:36 No.2958991

  This would technically be original source. A lot of us
  are a pretty autistic nitpicky group though. Don't let that get to you.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)23:07:45 No.2959095

  thanks, i found the full game

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/15(Mon)23:21:50 No.2959136

  >full game
  As in more? Ok I'm ready for this.
Created: 24/11 -2015 02:50:11 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:25:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:52:33