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This is resource TLEXCEW, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/10 -2015 03:35:55

Ended:18/10 -2015 09:53:40

Checked:18/10 -2015 10:46:35

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 30.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: BoysBeware.swf-(5.07 MB, 320x240, Game)
[_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)21:31:33 No.2929628

  gays love the young butt

  1 in 20 homosexuals is a child molester, while one in 490 heterosexuals is a child molester

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)21:34:42 No.2929631

  i love how completely unironic this is

  suppose genuine would be the word for that, but it didn't feel right

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)21:38:37 No.2929634

  yes, the narrator's tone is very matter-of-fact

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)22:19:38 No.2929651

  Who doesn't love the young butt tbh

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)22:26:14 No.2929659

  >article from 1986
  >back when homosexuality was classified as a disease (inb4 but it is)
  >back when people weren't openly homosexual
  At this time, homosexuals were of course repressed and yes, therefore more prone to criminality.
  However, homosexuals were not often openly homosexual, so the proportion of homosexuals wasn't
  known;furthermore, one of the only ways that you would know if someone were homosexual would be
  if they were caught practicing homosexuality. Since there's no reason to think that the authors
  would have access to all the gossip in the US, the homosexuals that they would see would be from
  surveys and from databases, e.g. criminal databases.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)22:46:14 No.2929674

  we shoul;d be showing this nowadays. the US is in deep shit from what our forefathers/mothers
  wanted us to be.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)22:51:03 No.2929678

  >Fucked up the ass copyright bollocks
  >The already ignorant religious slowly becoming more ignorant
  >PETA's about
  >People are becoming more apathetic
  >homosexuality is the issue
  made me kek

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)23:13:32 No.2929686

  >All of that nonsense means homosexuality isn't an issue
  made me kek

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)23:17:36 No.2929690

  I have nothing personal against the gays but it is a disease.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)23:21:27 No.2929693



>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)23:36:05 No.2929708

  >tumblr tier "its not facts cause I don't like it" logic
  uh huh

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)23:41:10 No.2929709


>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)23:49:05 No.2929713

  that was fucking annoying

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/15(Sat)23:53:44 No.2929716


>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)00:38:01 No.2929745

  yeah, why did he have to share the bald woman's narcissistic video?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)02:36:03 No.2929832

  >thinks psychology is facts
  there is a reason it's not considered a science.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)02:58:08 No.2929844

  anime is a disease, being gay isn't.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:05:02 No.2929848

  strange how the public perception changed so much in such a short period of time. makes you
  wonder what happened.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:21:46 No.2929855

  Propaganda is great. The key is to get enough big voices saying one thing that any other opinion
  is quickly and violently dismissed. Brain wash people into thinking that they are open minded,
  while actually making them absolutely intolerant of dissenting opinions.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:29:10 No.2929862

  homosexuality is definitely an issue. It's only accepted because modern society shuns anyone who
  dislikes others for being different, which leads to them overlooking diseases like that.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:32:59 No.2929864

  Are you my brother or some shit?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:33:43 No.2929865

  >almost entire population is attracted to the opposite gender
  >gays like the same sex
  >"being gay is natural!"
  >pedophiles like kids
  >"that's sick, they should be locked up!"
  Why is it that being gay is completely accepted. Both are different from the norm yet only one is
  accepted. They're practically the same thing and should both be labeled diseases. Stop letting
  society tell you what to think, it's clearly a disease.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:34:02 No.2929866

  Couldnt agree more

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:35:07 No.2929869

  because 1 involves 1 consenting person and the other has 2 consenting people u fuckwit

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:36:40 No.2929871


>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:37:35 No.2929872

  >implying teenagers can't consent

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:41:27 No.2929877

  legally they cant because they under 18 and not considered a functionaI logical mind hope you go
  to jail for being pedo tbh

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:46:00 No.2929879

  I'm not a pedophile, all I'm saying is it's no different than homosexuality. Who cares if legally
  they can't consent, if they feel ready for something like that it's their choice. When I was 14 I
  wanted to have sex, I didn't end up having it until later but looking back I would not have
  changed my decision if I could. Teenagers are perfectly capable of choosing for themselves and
  again you're letting society tell you what's right and wrong.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:46:35 No.2929880

  Then why is polygamy bad? Since that's all consenting adults, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)03:52:32 No.2929886

  The Jews pushed it hard
Created: 18/10 -2015 03:35:55 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:21:47 Server time: 21/09 -2024 00:55:40