File: Sad Truth v0.24.swf-(9.44 MB, 1000x600, Loop)
[_] Now with less bugs Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)15:10:49 No.2944030
found a more permanent fix to that horrible sound glitch, thank god for that.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)15:32:41 No.2944035
That sexy loader ;)
>> [_] yee 11/05/15(Thu)15:36:08 No.2944036
Good shit man.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)15:37:03 No.2944037
B-But you forgot Touhou-Tuesday!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)15:43:02 No.2944042
still wondering how the hell i'm going to compress this without fucking up the sound, will
probably need to loop the original...
unless there is a really short touhou song
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)15:44:20 No.2944043
used like 10 minutes on the graphics and 2 hours figuring out how the hell i can get the loader
to load first. not excactly pretty, but hey it works
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)17:53:02 No.2944096
by the way, any song tip? there are so much touhou and so little time!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)17:54:02 No.2944097
Hey, Thursgay-anon here - I used the audio from this video
om/watch?v=_cyuktfkHEY. It's just a remix from a SWF, there's not really a name for the song.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)17:55:59 No.2944098
aah, sweet! will add the name as sauce!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)17:57:48 No.2944102
Don't forget about filesize friday :-^)
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)17:58:50 No.2944105
No prob
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)18:01:19 No.2944107
don't worry, I will blast the filesize
I only post when there are some significant changes, however the newest verson will always be
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)18:41:01 No.2944131
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)18:44:08 No.2944134
UN Owen was her seems like the obvious choise. But it's fairly overused.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)18:56:23 No.2944139
indeed, i thought the same
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)18:57:53 No.2944141
however i am considering this one, it's one of my personal favorites:
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:09:01 No.2944150
You could go for this one one since it was made specifically for a flash. I have the flash itself
saved somewhere if you want me to post it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:10:34 No.2944152
I'm personally not a fan of that one. But taking a touhou rock cover can work.
Why not go with Satori's theme? Also in what format are you putting the songs in your flash, .ogg?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:12:04 No.2944154
could do so, however as previously mentioned this is used too much
actually mp3, i'm not good with extentions, is .ogg any better?
i'll take a look at it gimme a minute or two
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:15:26 No.2944158
depends, .ogg is fairly small. MP3 vorbis is fine too. Filesizes are your biggest issue here.
I think aside from Satori's theme, Koishi's theme would be a nice fit.
But most touhou songs are good in my opinion, so anything that fits with the theme of the flash
will work.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:15:27 No.2944159
this is actually something i had in my mind, it has a lot of similar notes, shouldn't be too hard
to loop it or something. Ty
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:15:28 No.2944160
I've always been a fan of Sakuya's theme, though that's also somewhat overdone.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:19:44 No.2944161
>no Suiseiseki Sunday
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:20:08 No.2944162
loop a part of this
epic commodore music
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:20:57 No.2944163
I thought the song was made by RazQ? He makes a lot of stuff you see on /f/.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:23:53 No.2944165
>Sad Truth v0.24.swf-(9.44 MB)
>asking me to add multiple events in less than 600 kB
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:24:39 No.2944167
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:24:41 No.2944168
Honestly, anon, I'm not sure how you managed to get it up 9.44MB so far.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:29:22 No.2944171
the original song is about 4MB and the rest is divided by some images and three more songs
The first feedback was literally "The audio quality is ass"
I'm not doing that mistake again, note. the original song is 5 minutes long however. I could
always attempt to loop it, but i have a slight feeling it will mess up the song alltogether
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:29:48 No.2944172
ahhhh but you could if you compressed it right
8bit music bruh
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:31:03 No.2944173
i could, but i don't have the skill to make it bearable to even listen to
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/15(Thu)19:33:35 No.2944174
You could try emailing the Hues team. They employ some sort of wizardry to keep their file sizes